Looking Into the Souls of Childrentxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Bert Hellinger 出版社: Hellinger Publications 副标题: The Hellinger Pedagogy in Action 译者:Angelika Schenk 出版年: 2014-4-8 页数: 306 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9783942808309
内容简介 · · · · · ·
"Looking Into the Souls of Children" is a profound demonstration of the later systemic family constellations by their pioneer, Bert Hellinger. This book tells many stories, all directly taken from life as it is: greater than we imagine it. They are stories about children who discover a hidden treasure in their soul, a treasure that brings peace to them and to their parents, and...
"Looking Into the Souls of Children" is a profound demonstration of the later systemic family constellations by their pioneer, Bert Hellinger. This book tells many stories, all directly taken from life as it is: greater than we imagine it. They are stories about children who discover a hidden treasure in their soul, a treasure that brings peace to them and to their parents, and thus to all readers – themselves children to parents, parents to children. Bert Hellinger brings these treasures to sudden light while the children, their parents, and their teachers watch their "constellations" unfold. Some of what emerges is understood immediately, a treasure glistening in their hands. Other movements will take shape over time, treasures unearthed, facets yet to be polished. Each story stands on its own; each treasure lights a hidden depth. This book reveals an unfolding not just of the clients' stories, but also of Hellinger’s body of work itself. His eye now trained on what he calls Mystic Consciousness, the vast outer layers beyond common awareness, he moves with clarity among life’s uncertainties. Introduction by Bert Hellinger: "This book tells you stories, true stories. We can read them as stories through which we can look into our soul, into our own child-soul, and into the souls of our children. We can even read these stories to our children, but only one at a time. Older children can read the stories by themselves and gain a kind of understanding of their own souls that brings them a sense of relief. Finally they can see a way out for themselves, and the same goes for us, for us personally and for our children. "How do we read this book? Perhaps in a way that liberates us, taking us beyond our fears and our concerns to discover whether we and our children are on the right path. "We look into our soul and we breathe a sigh of relief. Opening up to these stories, letting them take us along, what is the result? "We comprehend: all children are good, and the same is true of us, provided we look into our soul with love."
作者简介 · · · · · ·
Bert Hellinger is among Europe's most innovative and provocative healers and psychotherapists and is also a best-selling author. A former priest and a missionary to the Zulu in South Africa for 16 years, as well as an educator, psychoanalyst, body therapist, group dynamic therapist, and family therapist, he brings a lifetime of experience and wisdom to his work. Family Constell...
Bert Hellinger is among Europe's most innovative and provocative healers and psychotherapists and is also a best-selling author. A former priest and a missionary to the Zulu in South Africa for 16 years, as well as an educator, psychoanalyst, body therapist, group dynamic therapist, and family therapist, he brings a lifetime of experience and wisdom to his work. Family Constellations, which have become the hallmark of Hellinger’s approach, along with his observations about systemic entanglement and resolution, have touched the lives of thousands of people and have changed how many helping professionals carry out their own work. In the gathering of powerful approaches from psychotherapy as well as other paradigms, he has created a uniquely compelling healing approach. He has learned specific tools from a variety of sources, but the overarching strength of his work comes from his refined skill of listening to the authority of one's own soul. This is not a guaranteed 'technique'; it is rather, according to Hellinger, the only real protection we have against the seduction of false authority. Seeing 'what is' as opposed to blindly accepting what is being said - no matter by whom - is the linchpin of this often difficult healing work for individuals, groups, communities and cultures. Before taking to psychotherapy, Hellinger studied philosophy and theology in Germany. Subsequently, he obtained the University Education Diploma in South Africa where, for several years, he worked as a teacher and principal of a teachers' training college. Bert Hellinger has written 83 books, translations of which are available in 30 languages. His work is documented in CDs, DVDs, Audiobooks and eBooks.