How Institutions Thinktxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Mary Douglas 出版社: Syracuse University Press 出版年: 1986-7 页数: 146 定价: $19.95 ISBN: 9781033663752
内容简介 · · · · · ·
First published in 1986 Mary Douglas’ theory of institutions uses the sociological theories of Emile Durkheim and Ludwig Fleck to determine not only how institutions think, but also the extent to which thinking itself is dependent upon institutions. Different kinds of institutions allow individuals to think different kinds of thoughts and to respond to different emotions. It is...
First published in 1986 Mary Douglas’ theory of institutions uses the sociological theories of Emile Durkheim and Ludwig Fleck to determine not only how institutions think, but also the extent to which thinking itself is dependent upon institutions. Different kinds of institutions allow individuals to think different kinds of thoughts and to respond to different emotions. It is just as difficult to explain how individuals come to share the categories of their thought as to explain how they ever manage to sink their private interests for a common good.
Douglas forewarns us that institutions do not think independently, nor do they have purposes, nor do they build themselves. As we construct our institutions, we are squeezing each other’s ideas into a common shape in order to prove their legitimacy by sheer numbers. She admonishes us not to take comfort in the thought that primitives may think through institutions, but moderns decide on important issues individually. Our legitimated institutions make major decisions, and these decisions always involve ethical principles.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
玛丽·道格拉斯(Mary Douglas)英国社会人类学家1921年3月25日出生于意大利圣雷莫。从大学到博士毕业一直就读于牛津大学。她早年曾受国际非洲协会(International African Institute)的资助,在比利时治下的刚果工作。她做过牛津大学和伦敦大学学院(University College of London)的人类学讲师,在伦敦大学学习人类学并在其后成为该大学的社会人类学教授。1977年,她作为罗素贤人基金会(Russell Sage Foundation)的文化研究部主任前往美国。1981年她作为艾瓦隆基金(Avalon Foundation)赞助的人文学教授赴美国西北大学教学,1986年任普林斯顿大学的客座教授,她于2007年5月16日在英国伦敦去世。