Chinese Woman and Modernity (Calendar Posters of the 1910s-1930s)txt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Chun Bong Ng 出版社: Joint Publishing (HK) Co., Ltd. 出版年: 1994 定价: USD 110.00 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9789620412561
内容简介 · · · · · ·This catalog is a compilation of some of the best calendar posters produced during 1910s to 1930s, with the main theme focuses on Chinese women during those periods. It features artworks by such famous painters in Shanghai as Zheng Mantuo, Zhou Muqiao, Hang Zhiying, Li Mubai, Jin Xuechen and Xie Zhiguang. Also included are essays on the history and aesthetic of calendar posters...
This catalog is a compilation of some of the best calendar posters produced during 1910s to 1930s, with the main theme focuses on Chinese women during those periods. It features artworks by such famous painters in Shanghai as Zheng Mantuo, Zhou Muqiao, Hang Zhiying, Li Mubai, Jin Xuechen and Xie Zhiguang. Also included are essays on the history and aesthetic of calendar posters. Thus, this volume is a good reference on the social as well as aesthetic development in China during the early twentieth century.