
出版社: 中国水利水电出版社
副标题: 用美国人的方法背单词
出版年: 2011-10-1
页数: 358
定价: 39.90元
装帧: 平装
ISBN: 9787508489254

内容简介 · · · · · ·

单词密码:用美国人的方法背单词(录音制品MP3),ISBN:9787508489254,作者:朱子熹 等编著

目录 · · · · · ·

使用说明bed benefit bid boy brave campcat cate cut circle crow closecharge come chance cab cover craftcan cap cash cast cent citecivil claim class create cross drawduck dead divide down drink eareat end equal error fine firmfix flower fluent food force freefun fend face fact far fatfire fish flu fly form fusegene gold grade grow gift getgood hair hard head heat handhere hold hot human just joinknow lab lake land large lacklight lose low lay lead leglet line live local long manmark match mate main mar massmature may mountain mount nose offopen order over organ out passpat pay pen place plant portput pan part pet please pointpose post press rap fide fightroad room row race rain ratereal rob roll rtm same samplesea set sit sun super sureself she sign sky son speakstand star steam taste trip tabletail tick obey object observe obsessobtain ocean occur odor offer officeoil old on one operate optor origin own ox pack padplay pain pall palm pant paperpar pare park past path pawpeak pend per pot perm personpert phone photo pig pick piepill pop poll rag regular ramrat rave read reck red referregard rot round sham shin shipside sin so step sole solarscar stellar symbol surf sur suffertab tact tan tang tap tartat tax tea tech tee teletemp ten term test the tunetherm thin tick tin tip tontom tour tutor ultra un underuni up use umbra vag validvan very vest vice vocal warwalk wall water want world workwave week write wise wash warmwatch weigh well wheel care keenwide wrong wish wing white wetwed xmas yard yea yell youzip zoo rum rail rein requirerend reside revere rest rib ringrid rock rub quick need nervenet no normal nut novel negatename navy nip night note sparsesuccess sum sub sup semi sectsome spa see relate quality questionnature noise none number nation neuralnip queer new able actair amaze anger arm ask avoidache add age art ash ballbank base bat beat black bookbreak brown back ban bar bathbear low lip loose mad majormail menu mess mill must mattermean middle mend mercy metal mindminor miser mist miss fair fallfalse fan feed fem film filterfinal finger there factor mouth locksail cool way word passive abhorabrade actual accrue acre adman adoadult adverse aerate cause style platecheap clean hat ice ice starvesugar town hill interact wrap huntbill keep shore car gate ceasequa extra eye kill compete complacencesanction coach coed cogency cook count

使用说明bed benefit bid boy brave campcat cate cut circle crow closecharge come chance cab cover craftcan cap cash cast cent citecivil claim class create cross drawduck dead divide down drink eareat end equal error fine firmfix flower fluent food force freefun fend face fact far fatfire fish flu fly form fusegene gold grade grow gift getgood hair hard head heat handhere hold hot human just joinknow lab lake land large lacklight lose low lay lead leglet line live local long manmark match mate main mar massmature may mountain mount nose offopen order over organ out passpat pay pen place plant portput pan part pet please pointpose post press rap fide fightroad room row race rain ratereal rob roll rtm same samplesea set sit sun super sureself she sign sky son speakstand star steam taste trip tabletail tick obey object observe obsessobtain ocean occur odor offer officeoil old on one operate optor origin own ox pack padplay pain pall palm pant paperpar pare park past path pawpeak pend per pot perm personpert phone photo pig pick piepill pop poll rag regular ramrat rave read reck red referregard rot round sham shin shipside sin so step sole solarscar stellar symbol surf sur suffertab tact tan tang tap tartat tax tea tech tee teletemp ten term test the tunetherm thin tick tin tip tontom tour tutor ultra un underuni up use umbra vag validvan very vest vice vocal warwalk wall water want world workwave week write wise wash warmwatch weigh well wheel care keenwide wrong wish wing white wetwed xmas yard yea yell youzip zoo rum rail rein requirerend reside revere rest rib ringrid rock rub quick need nervenet no normal nut novel negatename navy nip night note sparsesuccess sum sub sup semi sectsome spa see relate quality questionnature noise none number nation neuralnip queer new able actair amaze anger arm ask avoidache add age art ash ballbank base bat beat black bookbreak brown back ban bar bathbear low lip loose mad majormail menu mess mill must mattermean middle mend mercy metal mindminor miser mist miss fair fallfalse fan feed fem film filterfinal finger there factor mouth locksail cool way word passive abhorabrade actual accrue acre adman adoadult adverse aerate cause style platecheap clean hat ice ice starvesugar town hill interact wrap huntbill keep shore car gate ceasequa extra eye kill compete complacencesanction coach coed cogency cook count
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文件说明:zip / 解压密码:wezp.com




作者: 听你说你心疼



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