History of Englandtxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:David Hume 出版社: Liberty Fund 副标题: From the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution of 1688 (History of England) 出版年: 1984-08 页数: 482 定价: USD 20.00 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780865970281
内容简介 · · · · · ·David Hume's great, enduring reputation in philosophy tends to obscure the fact that, among his contemporaries, his history of England was a more successful work. The history covers almost 1800 years. Hume saw English history as an evolution from a government of will to a government of law. Advanced in Hume's masterly prose, this argument continues to make the "History" a valua...
David Hume's great, enduring reputation in philosophy tends to obscure the fact that, among his contemporaries, his history of England was a more successful work. The history covers almost 1800 years. Hume saw English history as an evolution from a government of will to a government of law. Advanced in Hume's masterly prose, this argument continues to make the "History" a valuable study for the modern reader. This Liberty Fund edition is based on the edition of 1778, the last to contain corrections by Hume. The typography has been modernized for ease of reading. Hume's own index to the entire work may be found at the conclusion of volume VI.