The Clinical Lacantxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Joel Dor 出版社: Other Press 出版年: 1998-9-1 页数: 160 定价: USD 20.00 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9781892746054
内容简介 · · · · · ·This companion text to Introduction the Reading of Lacan focuses on the concept of the psychic structures of desire. Using case examples, Dor explains the crucial difference between symptomsówhich can be phenomenologically graspedóand the actual psychic structure of the subjectówhich can be revealed only through the discourse of the patient in the psychoanalytic situation. Th...
This companion text to Introduction the Reading of Lacan focuses on the concept of the psychic structures of desire. Using case examples, Dor explains the crucial difference between symptomsówhich can be phenomenologically graspedóand the actual psychic structure of the subjectówhich can be revealed only through the discourse of the patient in the psychoanalytic situation. This work brings life and practicality to a psychoanalytic movement that has been misperceived and divorced from the daily vicissitudes of analytic work.