大繁若簡(中英對照)txt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 副标题: 宋金元朝的單色釉瓷 ISBN: 9789881902191
内容简介 · · · · · ·This is the catalogue of the exhibition, 'The Multiplicity of Simplicity: Monochrome wares from the Song to the Yuan dynasties', held by the University Museum and Art Gallery, HKU. The Song dynasty (960-1279) saw a breakthrough in Chinese ceramics production. It was during this time that a number of famous kilns were established in different parts of China. The products from ea...
This is the catalogue of the exhibition, 'The Multiplicity of Simplicity: Monochrome wares from the Song to the Yuan dynasties', held by the University Museum and Art Gallery, HKU. The Song dynasty (960-1279) saw a breakthrough in Chinese ceramics production. It was during this time that a number of famous kilns were established in different parts of China. The products from each kiln demonstrated a style of their own. Some of their innovative traditions were passed on to the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368). Sponsored by the University of Hong Kong Museum Society and the Songde Tang, this exhibition features 118 pieces of ceramic wares from the University Museum collection as well as eight collections in Hong Kong. They are representative works produced by the well-known kilns in Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi provinces. All show rich variations of white, blue, green and black glaze colours. Evidently, the monochromes made from the Song to the Yuan dynasties are the result of a highly sophisticated ceramic technology. Most of the exhibits are displayed to the public for the first time. They are fully illustrated in this exhibition catalogue. 自古以來,中國陶瓷舉世知名,其中以單色釉瓷的歷史最為悠久,宋金元朝是各種單色釉瓷的黃金時代。香港大學美術博物館主辦的「大繁若簡」展覽,便是介紹三朝單色釉瓷的成就。中國陶瓷技術在宋代得到重大發展。不僅提高品質,增加釉色。更在各地紛立名窯,同時還出現專責燒製宮廷用瓷的官窯。這些技術流傳到金、元兩朝,又衍生出極具明顯時代特徵和地方特色的瓷器。這展覽由香港大學博物館學會及頌德堂贊助,共展出一百一十八件瓷器。它們選自大學博物館館藏及八個香港藏家的藏品。這些器物主要產自河北、河南、陝西、浙江、福建和江西的著名窯場,展示出青、藍、黑、白等單種釉色。大部份展品均作首次展出,本書是博物館為是次展覽出版的圖錄,以協助觀眾欣賞這批古瓷精品。