Meditations On a Hobby Horse and Other Essays On the Theory of Arttxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:E.H. Gombrich 出版社: Phaidon Press 出版年: 1994-9-29 页数: 145 定价: USD 22.95 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780714832456
内容简介 · · · · · ·Originally published in 1963, this book was the first volume to be published in the author's long and distinguished series of collected essays. In it he addresses fundamental questions about the nature of artistic achievement, the criteria of artistic value, and the role of language in understanding and interpreting images. These essays explore the problematic character of meta...
Originally published in 1963, this book was the first volume to be published in the author's long and distinguished series of collected essays. In it he addresses fundamental questions about the nature of artistic achievement, the criteria of artistic value, and the role of language in understanding and interpreting images. These essays explore the problematic character of metaphors, analogies, symbols, myths, conventions and traditions in art and art-historical writing, and investigate the notions of representation, expression, abstraction and illusion.