GNU Emacs Pocket Referencetxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Debra Cameron 出版社: O'Reilly Media, Inc. 副标题: Pocket Reference 出版年: 01 November, 1998 页数: 58 定价: $6.95 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9781565924963
内容简介 · · · · · ·GNU Emacs is the most popular and widespread of the Emacs family of editors. It is also the most powerful and flexible. Unlike all other text editors, GNU Emacs is a complete working environment -- you can stay within Emacs all day without leaving. The GNU Emacs Pocket Reference is a companion volume to O'Reilly's Learning GNU Emacs, which tells you how to get started with the ...
GNU Emacs is the most popular and widespread of the Emacs family of editors. It is also the most powerful and flexible. Unlike all other text editors, GNU Emacs is a complete working environment -- you can stay within Emacs all day without leaving. The GNU Emacs Pocket Reference is a companion volume to O'Reilly's Learning GNU Emacs, which tells you how to get started with the GNU Emacs editor and, as you become more proficient, it will help you learn how to use Emacs more effectively. This small book, covering Emacs version 20, is a handy reference guide to the basic elements of this powerful editor, presenting the Emacs commands in an easy-to-use tabular format.