《Empire and the Meaning of Religion in Northeast Asia》电子书下载

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作者:Thomas David DuBois
出版社: Cambridge University Press
副标题: Manchuria 1900-1945
出版年: 2016-12-24
页数: 260
定价: USD 99.99
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781107166400

内容简介 · · · · · ·

Manchuria entered the twentieth century as a neglected backwater of the dying Qing dynasty, and within a few short years became the focus of intense international rivalry to control its resources and shape its people. This book examines the place of religion in the development of Manchuria from the late nineteenth century to the collapse of the Japanese Empire in 1945. Religion...

作者简介 · · · · · ·

Thomas David DuBois is a leading scholar of religion in East Asian history, and is the author of Religion and the Making of Modern East Asia (Cambridge, 2011) and Sacred Village: Social Change and Religious Life in Rural North China (2005). His work has been published in Arabic, Chinese and Russian translation.

目录 · · · · · ·

Manchuria: Land of Progress
But Is It Religion?
Manchuria in a Global World
Sectoral Silos and Structural Resonance
Neo-empire and Spiritual Engineering
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Manchuria: Land of Progress
But Is It Religion?
Manchuria in a Global World
Sectoral Silos and Structural Resonance
Neo-empire and Spiritual Engineering
Structure of This Book
1. Foundations of Religion in Society in Manchuria
Political Religion before the Qing Dynasty
Political Religion under Qing Rule
Conclusion: Faith on the Frontier
2. From the Blood of the Martyrs: Violence and the Transformation of Religious
Catholic Mission to 1900
Protestant Mission to 1900
Boxers and Christians
Mission Methods Following the Boxer Suppression
God’s Kingdom Comes to Manchuria
Mode, Moment, and Miracle
Conclusion: A Time to Suffer, A Time to Prosper
3. The Mind of Empire: Manchuria and Religion in the Eyes of Asian Social Science
Indigenization of Social Science in Japan
Social Science and Social Reform in China
Universities in Manchuria: The Role of Institutions
Japanese Social Science and Manchurian Religion
Conclusion: Scholarly Formation of the Spiritual-Imperial Self
4. Piety in Print: Religion in the Pages of the Manchurian Press
Commerce and Community
Nakashima Masao and Japanese Journalism in China
Religion and Social Reform: 1906–1924
Reaching the Masses: 1925–1935
Religious Patriotism and National Spirit: 1936–1944
Conclusion: Marketplace of Ideas, Ideas in the Marketplace
5. The Laws of Men: Law and Religion in Manchukuo
Beyond Code and Church
Precedents: Law and Religion in China and Japan
Manchukuo: Rule of Law under an Illegal Regime
Absolute Values: Statutory Law
Surveillance and Control: Religion in Policy
By Any Other name
Judicial Decisions
6. A Charitable View: New Religions and the Birth of Public Philanthropy
New Religions in Republican China
Confucian Revival and the Turn to Charity
Spread to Manchuria
Conclusion: New Religions, “Redemptive Societies,” and Secular Charities. What’s
Really in a Name?
7. Manchukuo’s Filial Sons: Graveside Piety and the Transformation of Popular
State Perspectives on Confucian Ritual
A Tale of Two Sons
Filial Wang
Filial Li
A Death Cult Lives On
A Tomb to Remember
Conclusion: Orthodoxy, Orthopraxy, or Something Else?
8. May God Bless Manchukuo: Religion and Diplomacy in Northeast Asia
Transformations of Catholic Mission in East Asia
From Paris to Rome: The Waning of National Mission
A Church of One’s Own
Developments in Manchuria
Catholic Church during the Transition to Japanese Rule
The Diplomatic Stance: The Mandate of Gaspais
Rites and Religion: A Church for Manchukuo
Concluding Thoughts
Discourse and Differentiation
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