挑戰市場神話 : 國家在經濟轉型中的作用txt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者: 王绍光 出版社: 香港牛津大学出版社 出版年: 1997 页数: 268 装帧: 23 cm 丛书: 社會與思想叢書 ISBN: 9780195904802
内容简介 · · · · · ·冷戰結束後,一種以「歷史已經終結」為主旨的意識形態不斷地被張揚,支撐這樣一種意識形態的是一系列的神話,如私有制神話、市場的神話、分權的神話、西方式民主的神話。在不少人看來,私有制、市場、分權和西方式的民主,既是衡量各種制度的尺子,甚至也是人類發展的終極目標。 本書作者說,不幸的是,幾十年來一直不斷在探索人類社會出路的中國人,在好不容易擺脫了對國有制、計劃、大一統和專政的迷信後,竟轉身陷入另一種迷信,被這樣一種走美式資本主義道路的意識形所征服。 本書並不排斥私有經濟,並不否認市場作用,並不反對適度分權,並不拒絕民主原則,但反對對私有制、市場、分權、西方式民主的迷信。
作者简介 · · · · · ·Wang Shaoguang (Ph.D. in Political Science from Cornell University in 1990) is a chair professor and chairperson in the Department of Government and Public Administration, and the director of Universities Service Centre for China Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Changjiang Professor in the School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University, an non-of...
Wang Shaoguang (Ph.D. in Political Science from Cornell University in 1990) is a chair professor and chairperson in the Department of Government and Public Administration, and the director of Universities Service Centre for China Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Changjiang Professor in the School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University, an non-official member of HKSAR's Commission on Strategic Development, and the chief editor of The China Review, an interdisciplinary journal on greater China. He taught at Tijiao High School in Wuhan, China from 1972 to 1977 and at Yale University in the United States from 1990 to 2000. His research interests include political economy, comparative politics, fiscal politics, democratization, and economic and political development in former socialist countries and East Asian countries.