Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Managertxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Mel Gorman 出版社: Prentice Hall 出版年: 2004-5-9 页数: 768 定价: USD 64.99 装帧: Paperback 丛书: Bruce Perens' Open Source Series ISBN: 9780131453487
内容简介 · · · · · ·A programmer wanting to understand the workings of the Linux VM today literally has no choice but to study the kernel source code, line-by-line - an excruciatingly difficult and time-consuming task. This book dedicates itself to explaining, in detail, how the memory manager is implemented in Linux, thereby cutting down the time needed to understand it from many months to mere w...
A programmer wanting to understand the workings of the Linux VM today literally has no choice but to study the kernel source code, line-by-line - an excruciatingly difficult and time-consuming task. This book dedicates itself to explaining, in detail, how the memory manager is implemented in Linux, thereby cutting down the time needed to understand it from many months to mere weeks. The Linux VM is the single most important component of the Linux kernel. The behavior of the VM affects all other kernel subsystems, and has a dramatic impact on overall system performance. This book is unique in that not only does it describe the Linux VM itself in unprecedented detail, it also includes the theoretical foundations for it which is of interest to both developers and students but has been omitted from recent Linux kernel related material. It is split into three parts. The first part begins with an introduction on how to approach reading the code of an open source project. It then provides a detailed description of the VM architecture with the aid of numerous diagrams and call graphs, which is suitable for people who need a clear understanding of how the VM functions. The second part is a detailed line-by-line description of the C source modules (source code commentary) that implement the VM in the Linux 2.4 kernel. The third part describes new features in the upcoming 2.6 kernel.
作者简介 · · · · · ·Mel Gorman曾获得爱尔兰利马瑞克大学的计算机学士和硕士学位。他的研究领域广泛:从网页开发到摄影机的实时显示系统。Mel Gorman认为,即使是最难以攻克的项目也并没有想象中那么艰难。他曾经还担任过系统管理员,主要管理Linux, 也涉及到Solaris和Windows。现今Mel Gorman是都柏林IBM公司的Java程序开发员。 Mel Gorman的大部分技能都来自于他自己在利马瑞克大学的生活经历,与大学里计算机社区的广泛接触,以及实地工作经验这三者的完美结合。是计算机社区使他接触到了Linux,并相信Linux用途广泛,而绝不仅仅只是一个便利的邮箱地址。这个社区还使他对开放源码软件产生了兴趣,尤其是在Linux内核方面。他永远感激利马瑞克大学为他提供的这个平台,使他认识了许多有识之士,并有两年时间来研究VM。 闲暇时Mel Gorm...
Mel Gorman曾获得爱尔兰利马瑞克大学的计算机学士和硕士学位。他的研究领域广泛:从网页开发到摄影机的实时显示系统。Mel Gorman认为,即使是最难以攻克的项目也并没有想象中那么艰难。他曾经还担任过系统管理员,主要管理Linux, 也涉及到Solaris和Windows。现今Mel Gorman是都柏林IBM公司的Java程序开发员。 Mel Gorman的大部分技能都来自于他自己在利马瑞克大学的生活经历,与大学里计算机社区的广泛接触,以及实地工作经验这三者的完美结合。是计算机社区使他接触到了Linux,并相信Linux用途广泛,而绝不仅仅只是一个便利的邮箱地址。这个社区还使他对开放源码软件产生了兴趣,尤其是在Linux内核方面。他永远感激利马瑞克大学为他提供的这个平台,使他认识了许多有识之士,并有两年时间来研究VM。 闲暇时Mel Gorman喜欢和女友凯伦呆在一起,或者弹弹吉他(尽管并不擅长),读读手边的书籍,与朋友和家人(他们避免谈及有关VM的话题)一同消磨时光。又或是制订一些可能并无价值的计划(有时仅仅在想象中完成它们)。只要安迪说服他乘坐游艇是个不错的娱乐项目,他也会去尝试。Mel Gorman还在犹豫着是继续创作关于Linux的文章,还是向从前一样在Linux环境下编写程序,因为后者才是他最初的意愿。