英美文学选读txt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:桂扬清 出版社: 中国对外翻译出版公司 出版年: 1985-06 页数: 473 定价: 21.00元 装帧: 平装 ISBN: 9787500101253 内容简介 · · · · · ·内容提要 本书系南京师范大学外文系“英美文学选读”课的自编教材, 计选入英国作家22人的作品,美国作家15人的作品,按文学史 的顺序排列。本书体例为:1.作家生平简介;2.作品内容提要 (如选文为作品的片段时);3.选文;4.注释;5.问题及练习。 本书的内容“包括英美,少而精”,适合于师范院校和教育学 院英语专业参考使用,也可供广大中学英语教师及具有一定程度 的英语自学者和英美文学爱好者作为进修读物。 目录 · · · · · ·CONTENTSENGLISH LITERATURE William Shakespeare Sonnet 18 The Merchant ofVenice (Act IV, Scene 1) John Milton · · · · · ·() CONTENTS ENGLISH LITERATURE William Shakespeare Sonnet 18 The Merchant ofVenice (Act IV, Scene 1) John Milton To Cyriack Skinner Paradise Lost (excerpt from Book IV) Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe (Chapters 7, 8 & 9) Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Part IV, Chapters 6 & 8) Henry Fielding Joseph Andrews (Chapter 12) Robert Burns A Red, Red Rose Three Satirical Epigrams William Blake London 1 Heard an Angcl Singing William Wordsworth The Solitary Reaper Composed upon Westminster Bridge Jane Austen Pride and Prejudicc (Chapters 1 & 2) George Gordon Byron Sonnet on Chillon Wellington Percy Bysshe Shelley Song to the Men of England Ode to thc West Wind John Keats On the Grasshopper and Crickct To Autumn Charles Dickens David Copperfield (Chapter 11) William Makepeace Thackerqy Vanity Fair (Chapter 6) Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights (Chapter 15) Thomas Hardy Tess ofthe D'Urbervillcs (Chapters 13, 55 & 56) Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest (excerpt from Act 1) John Galsworthy The Forsyte Saga (Birth of a rorsyte) George Bemard Shaw Pygmalion (excerpts) William Somerset Maugham A Friend in Need Thomas Stearns Eliot Morning at the Window Aunt Helen Cousin Nancy John Bqynton Priestley An Inspector Calls (excerpt from Act 1) AMERICAN LITERATURE Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography (Chapter 6) Ralph Waldo Emerson The American Scholar (excerpt) Nathaniel Hawthome The Ministcr's Black Veil Henry Wadsworth Longfellow A Psalm of Life Excelsior The Quadroon Girl Edgar Allan Poe Annabcl Lee To Helen Walt Whitman Selections from Lcaves of Grass Emily Dickinson Selected Poems Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Chapter 11) Theodore Dreiser An American Tragedy (Chapters 42 & -13) Jack London Lovc of Life Robert Frost The Pasture Mcnding Wall The Road Not Taken Eugene O'Neill Thc Hairy Apc (Scene VIII) Emest Hemingwqy A farewell to Arms (Ghapters 36 & 41) John Steinbeck The Grapes ofWrath (Ghapter 25) Arthur Miller Death ofa Salesman (exccrpt from Act 11) · · · · · · () |