![]() 作者:Sue Macdonald MSc PGCEA ADM RM RN FETC FRCM (Hon)/Gail Johnson MA DPSM PGDip Adult Education RM RN 出版社: Elsevier 出版年: 2017-4-30 页数: 1220 定价: 967 装帧: 平装 ISBN: 9780702062117 作者简介 · · · · · ·Sue has been a midwife for over 30 years, and believes passionately in the contribution that midwives can make to the lives of women, babies and families. This has driven her career path and practice in clinical midwifery, education and research. Sue is is currently undertaking an MPhil/PhD at Middlesex University looking at compassionate care from womens and midwives perspecti... 目录 · · · · · ·Part 1: The midwife in context1. The place of the midwife in the global context: The global midwife 2. A history of the midwifery profession in the United Kingdom 3. Regulation of midwives 4. Clinical governance and the midwife 5. The midwife as a lifelong learner · · · · · ·() Part 1: The midwife in context 1. The place of the midwife in the global context: The global midwife 2. A history of the midwifery profession in the United Kingdom 3. Regulation of midwives 4. Clinical governance and the midwife 5. The midwife as a lifelong learner 6. Evidence-based practice and research for practice 7. Leadership and management in midwifery 8. An introduction to ethics and midwifery practice 9. The law and the midwife 10. Pharmacology and the midwife Part 2: Childbirth in context 11. Sociocultural and spiritual context of childbearing 12. Psychological context of childbirth 13. Sexuality 14. National Health Service policy and midwifery 15. Legal frameworks for the care of the child Part 3: Public health, health promotion in the context of childbirth 16. Epidemiology 17. Nutrition 18. Complementary therapies and natural remedies in pregnancy and birth: responsibilities of midwives 19. Health promotion and education 20. Preconception care 21. Education for parenthood 22. Physical preparation for childbirth and beyond, and the role of physiotherapy 23. Vulnerable women Part 4: The anatomy and physiology of fertility, embryology and fetal development 24. Anatomy of male and female reproduction 25. Female reproductive physiology: Timed interactions between hypothalamus, anterior pituitary and ovaries 26. Genetics 27. Fertility and its control 28. Infertility and assisted conception 29. Fertilization, embryo formation and feto-placental development 30. The fetal skull Part 5: Pregnancy 31. Maternal neurohormonal and systemic adaptations to feto-placental development 32. Confirming pregnancy and care of the pregnant woman 33. Antenatal investigations 34. Choice, childbearing and maternity care - the choice agenda and place of birth Part 6: Labour and birth 35. Physiological changes from late pregnancy until the onset of lactation: from nesting to suckling-lactation and parental-infant attachment 36. Care in the first stage of labour 37. Care in the second stage of labour 38. Supporting choices in reducing pain and fear during labour 39. Care in the third stage of labour 40. The pelvic floor Part 7: Postnatal care and the care of the newborn baby 41. Content and organization of postnatal care 42. Physiology, assessment and care of the newborn baby 43. Thermoregulation 44. Infant feeding and relationship building Part 8: Women and babies with complex needs 45. The preterm baby and the small baby 46. Respiratory and cardiac disorders 47. Neonatal jaundice 48. Infection in the neonate 49. Congenital anomalies, neonatal surgery and pain management 50. Metabolic and endocrine disorders 51. Stillbirth and sudden infant death syndrome 52. Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy 53. Bleeding in pregnancy 54. Hypertensive and medical disorders in pregnancy 55. Sexually transmitted infections 56. Abnormalities of the genital tract 57. Multiple pregnancy 58. Preterm labour 59. Obstetric interventions 60. Induction of labour and prolonged pregnancy 61. Rhythmic variations of labour 62. Malpositions and malpresentations 63. Obstructed labour and uterine rupture 64. Shoulder dystocia 65. Presentation and prolapse of the umbilical cord 66. Maternal morbidity following childbirth 67. Complications related to the third stage of labour 68. Pregnancy loss and the death of a baby: grief and bereavement care 69. Maternal mental health and psychological issues 70. Midwifery for the future .where next? · · · · · · () |
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