The Linux Kernel Primertxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Claudia Salzberg Rodriguez/Gordon Fischer/Steven Smolski 出版社: Prentice Hall 副标题: A Top-Down Approach for x86 and PowerPC Architectures 出版年: 2005-9-29 页数: 648 定价: USD 54.99 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780131181632
内容简介 · · · · · ·Top Reasons people will buy this book: -Covers Linux on PPC -Top-down approach traces functionality from user space into the kernel -Lots of code commentary and examples. It walks you through the actual source code implementation. -Side by side comparison of x86 and PPC -Hands on Examples and Projects -Covers the kernel build system. The "Linux Kernel Primer" offers a c...
Top Reasons people will buy this book: -Covers Linux on PPC -Top-down approach traces functionality from user space into the kernel -Lots of code commentary and examples. It walks you through the actual source code implementation. -Side by side comparison of x86 and PPC -Hands on Examples and Projects -Covers the kernel build system. The "Linux Kernel Primer" offers a comprehensive view of the underpinnings of the Linux kernel. This book starts with a guide of the necessary tools a developer needs to be able to understand and manipulate the source code including cryptic programming fundamentals found throughout the kernel code. It then follows up with an in depth analysis of the major subsystems including process management, memory management, scheduling, I/O, and filesystems. This book also provides information necessary to get started developing on the Linux kernel. The specifics of Intel and PowerPC architecture implementations are covered side by side providing perspective on architecture specific features and how Linux make use of them. Similar in approach to Kernighan's "Practice of Programming" 020161586X
作者简介 · · · · · ·Claudia Salzberg Rodriguez 就职于IBM Linux技术中心,负责内核及相关编程工具的开发。在担任程序员的10多年时间里,她一直针对Intel和PPC平台进行Linux嵌入式系统到高性能系统的开发。 Gordon Fischer 曾为很多底层设备 开发过Linux和Unix设备驱动程序,并针对Intel和PPC平台上的企业级系统中使用Linux内核。 Steven Smolski 有近30年的半导体行业从业经验。从事过内存、处理器以及ASICS的研发和测试,为Linux、AIX以及Windows都编写过应用程序和驱动程序,还进行过嵌入式操作系统的开发。