When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living
being. I see a friend. I feel a soul.
—A.D. Williams
I met Cari and Harry through Couchsurfing, a platform for people who like to travel. “Stay with Locals and make Travel friends” is their moto.
Cari was preparing for his world trip and was looking for contacts on his route, asking for help in various ways – in true CS fashion by hosting him and his dog Harry and thereby sharing and exchanging cultural or practical information, and hopefully becoming friends.
We were in contact from the beginning, and I followed his progressing travel plans and then his journey with keen interest.
From the start, Cari presented himself to me as a person who was ready to step outside of his comfort zone, indeed to go through a great deal of discomfort in order to pursue his dream, to cycle around the world in the company of his dog Harry. We all have our dreams, but let’s be honest: how many of us actually dare make them come true?
To travel, to discover new places, landscapes, people, cultures, friends on the way - this was only in parts purpose of this trip. Cari was also driven by the idea to campaign for animals rights, to make people along the way aware of mistreated, distressed animals needing our attention and help.
I was eager to assist him in any way I could.
Then the day came and I finally met Cari and Harry. They had travelled a long distance by then and had visited many animal shelters on the way. They arrived in Berlin just before their great leap across the ocean to the next step in his itinerary, the USA. We had one week together, and me and my family were able to add a lot of color to the black and white picture we had already had of him as a person with a big heart and with a great love for his fellow creatures – people and animals, nature and everything alive. And we fell in love with Harry, this crazy woolly adventuresome dog with heaps of personality! In the mornings, Harry used to come to my bed to wake me up and then put his long, feather-light arms around me, like a person would.
We could tell: those two are used to “going through thick and thin” as we say in German.
Soul mates from the first moments, when we had finally managed to overcome all hurdles that come with flying in the company of a not so small dog and an unwieldy bicycle, Cari and I parted as real life friends.
Let this book be an inspiration to many people. Cari, you sure inspired me.
Helga Unseld(Germany Aventuro President )
我生于八十年代的广西桂林,北岛说那个时候的人们有梦想,关于文学,关于爱情,关于穿越世界的旅行,如今我们深夜饮酒,杯子碰到一起,都是梦想破碎的声音。而我却不想饮下这苦酒,更不想听见那破碎的声音,于是我在逐梦的路上,因为我来自那个年代. 对待生命你不妨大胆冒险一点, 因为好歹你要失去它。如果这世界上真有奇迹,那只是努力的另一个名字。假如你有一个梦想,就去捍卫它. 从2012年与哈利的川藏骑行到珠峰尼泊尔穿越青藏回到内地苏州,到2014年的环球骑行,从苏州出发横跨亚洲,欧洲,及北美环球骑行。这本书里记录着我们的冒险故事与一路的心情感怀,很多时候我想没办法用语言直接表达,而文字是我和你诉说的最好方式.
从小妈妈说我是一匹野马,喜欢满野地里跑.....我想要知道世界有多远?其实只有两个车轮的距离.我和哈利用我们自己的方式,去寻找这个世界的 生活(L...
我生于八十年代的广西桂林,北岛说那个时候的人们有梦想,关于文学,关于爱情,关于穿越世界的旅行,如今我们深夜饮酒,杯子碰到一起,都是梦想破碎的声音。而我却不想饮下这苦酒,更不想听见那破碎的声音,于是我在逐梦的路上,因为我来自那个年代. 对待生命你不妨大胆冒险一点, 因为好歹你要失去它。如果这世界上真有奇迹,那只是努力的另一个名字。假如你有一个梦想,就去捍卫它. 从2012年与哈利的川藏骑行到珠峰尼泊尔穿越青藏回到内地苏州,到2014年的环球骑行,从苏州出发横跨亚洲,欧洲,及北美环球骑行。这本书里记录着我们的冒险故事与一路的心情感怀,很多时候我想没办法用语言直接表达,而文字是我和你诉说的最好方式.
从小妈妈说我是一匹野马,喜欢满野地里跑.....我想要知道世界有多远?其实只有两个车轮的距离.我和哈利用我们自己的方式,去寻找这个世界的 生活(LIVE)、 爱(LOVE)、 生命(LIFE)的真谛,更希望能多人关注那些流离失所的动物们,尽我们的能力去帮助它们。
我是一只西班牙水犬,虽然在此之前我从没去过西班牙,很多人都说我是贵宾犬,其实我们长得很像,六年前我与我的主人走失,在冰天雪地里我遇到了小鱼爸爸,是他又给我了新的生活和梦想。让我相信生命中最珍贵的礼物 ,不在乎遇见多少美妙的风景,而是一路有你。希望与您分享我和爸爸穿越世界的传奇冒险故事.