《Chinese Women's Cinema》电子书下载

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作者:Lingzhen Wang (Editor)
出版社: Columbia University Press
副标题: Transnational Contexts
出版年: 2011-8-30
页数: 448
定价: USD 29.00
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780231156752

目录 · · · · · ·

Introduction: Transnational Feminist Reconfiguration of Film Discourse and Women’s Cinema, by Lingzhen Wang
Part I: Female Authorship Negotiated in Different Times, Spaces, and Genres
1. Socialist Cinema and Female Authorship: Overdetermination and Subjective Revisions in Dong Kena’s "Small Grass Grows on the Kunlun Mountain" (1962), by Lingzhen Wang
2. Masochist Men and Normal Women: Tang Shu Shuen and "The Arch" (1969), by Yau Ching
3. Migrating Hearts: The Cultural Geography of Sylvia Chang’s Melodrama, by Zhen Zhang
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Introduction: Transnational Feminist Reconfiguration of Film Discourse and Women’s Cinema, by Lingzhen Wang
Part I: Female Authorship Negotiated in Different Times, Spaces, and Genres
1. Socialist Cinema and Female Authorship: Overdetermination and Subjective Revisions in Dong Kena’s "Small Grass Grows on the Kunlun Mountain" (1962), by Lingzhen Wang
2. Masochist Men and Normal Women: Tang Shu Shuen and "The Arch" (1969), by Yau Ching
3. Migrating Hearts: The Cultural Geography of Sylvia Chang’s Melodrama, by Zhen Zhang
Part II: Gendered Voices: Images and Affect
4. The Voice of History and the Voice of Women: A Study of Huang Shuqin’s Women’s Films, by Xingyang Li
5. Post-Taiwan New Cinema Women Directors and Their Films: Auteurs, Images, Language, by Yu-Shan Huang and Chun-Chi Wang
6. Affect, Memory, and Trauma Past Tense in Hu Mei’s "Army Nurse" (1985) and Xu Jinglei’s "Letter from an Unknown Woman" (2004), by E. Ann Kaplan
Part III: The Visual Subject and Feminist Cinema
7. The Encoding of Female Subjectivity: Four Films by China’s Fifth-Generation Women Directors, by S. Louisa Wei
8. From Mao’s “Continuous Revolution” to Ning Ying’s "Perpetual Motion" (2005): Sexual Politics, Neoliberalism, and Postmodern China, by Gina Marchetti
9. Searching for Female Sexuality and Negotiating with Feminism: Li Yu’s Film Trilogy, by Shuqin Cui
Part IV: Female Writing, Performance, and Issues of Cinematic Agency
10. To Write or to Act, That Is the Question: 1920s to 1930s Shanghai Actress-Writers and the Death of the “New Woman”, by Yiman Wang
11. Gender, Genre, and Performance in Eileen Chang’s Films: Equivocal Contrasts Across the Print-Screen Divide, by Yingjin Zhang
12. Chu T’ien-wen and the Sotto Voce of Feminine Expression in the Films of Hou Hsiao-Hsien, by Christopher Lupke
13. To Become an Auteur: The Cinematic Maneuverings of Xu Jinglei, by Jingyuan Zhang
Part V: Migration, Diaspora, and Transcultural Practice of Gender and Cinema
14. In Search of Esther Eng: Border-Crossing Pioneer in Chinese-Language Filmmaking, by Kar Law
15. Transpacific Waves in a Global Sea: Mabel Cheung Yuen-Ting’s Cinematic Archive, by Staci Ford
16. Filming One’s Way Home: Clara Law’s Letters to Oz, by Shiao-Ying Shen
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