《Hong Kong Architecture 1945-2015》电子书下载

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作者:Charlie Q. L. Xue
出版社: Springer
副标题: From Colonial to Global
出版年: 2016-6-14
页数: 337
定价: USD 119.00
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9789811010033

内容简介 · · · · · ·

Hong Kong was the last British colony. During the decades after WWII, the people in Hong Kong strived to create a lively and energetic international metropolis in Asia. The dense port city set an example for Greater China, Asia and the world.

Hong Kong Architecture 1945-2015: From Colonial to Global focuses on the transformation from colonial to global – the formation, mechani...

作者简介 · · · · · ·

Dr. Charlie Q. L. Xue has held teaching appointments in architecture at Jiaotong University, Shanghai; University of Texas, USA and City University of Hong Kong. Dr. Xue has nine books published including Building Practice in China (1999, 2009), Building a Revolution: Chinese Architecture Since 1980 (2006, 2009) and World Architecture in China (2010. His research papers were pu...

目录 · · · · · ·

Part I Government-led Modernity
Chapter 1 Reconstruction and Resettlement After the War
1.1 Dilapidated city after the war
1.2 Planning for the fifty years
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Part I Government-led Modernity
Chapter 1 Reconstruction and Resettlement After the War
1.1 Dilapidated city after the war
1.2 Planning for the fifty years
1.3 Sheltering refugees
1.4 Supporting the industry
1.5 Conclusion: resettling for normal life
Chapter 2 Modernism Coming to Town
– government low-cost housing and public building
2.1 Welfare housing and modernist architectural ideal
2.2 Mass production of public housing
2.3 Living machine with human touch
2.4 Public building – social conscience
2.5 Conclusion: “public” for the societal betterment
Chapter 3 Design Forces and Their Strategies
3.1 Large design companies
3.2 Chinese architects
3.3 From Shanghai to Hong Kong
3.4 Injecting new blood
3.5 Conclusion: filling the gap in the post-war reconstruction
Chapter 4 Government Control, Building Regulations and Their Implications
4.1 The origin of building control in Hong Kong
4.2 Control of density
4.3 The annoyance of small areas
4.4 Conclusion: making high density reasonable and effective
Part II Private Forces Command
Chapter 5 Serving the Middle Class – Private Housing and Shopping Mall
5.1 Emergence of Chinese developers
5.2 Large scale private residential estates
5.3 Living in the island
5.4 Shopping malls
5.5 Conclusion: settling down and quasi “public space”

Chapter 6 Rail Village and Mega-structure
6.1 Rail village
6.2 Experiment in the 1980s
6.3 Linking the rail villages
6.4 Conclusion: mega-structure as a solution
Chapter 7 Commercial to Global
7.1 Giving way to the commercial interests
7.2 Creating spectacles
7.3 Boosting confidence
7.4 Conclusion: architecture of globalization
Chapter 8 “Being Chinese in architecture” – the Growth of Local Architects
8.1 Masters since 1970
8.2 Generation of the 21st century
8.3 Conclusion: different directions
Part III Backward and Forward Vision
Chapter 9 Finding the Roots and Preserving Our Well-being
9.1 Defending “our harbor”
9.2 Two piers
9.3 Conserving heritage buildings
9.4 Green architecture
9.5 Conclusion: social and environmental sustainability
Chapter 10 Pursuing Excellence - Towards a Civic Architecture
10.1 Central library and design competition
10.2 West Kowloon Cultural District
10.3 Campus building
10.4 Usages of urban land: formal and informal
10.5 Conclusion: an architecture of civic society
Chapter 11 Conclusion: “Made in Hong Kong” Design
Chronology of Hong Kong Architecture: 1946-2015
Further Reading
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