The Man in the High Castletxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Philip K. Dick 出版社: Putnam 出版年: 1962-01-01 页数: 239 定价: $ 3.50 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780425043233
内容简介 · · · · · ·It is 1962 and the Second World War has been over for seventeen years: people have now had a chance to adjust to the new order. But its not been easy. The Mediterranean has been drained to make farmland, the population of Africa has virtually been wiped out and America has been divided between the Nazis and the Japanese. In the neutral buffer zone that divides the two superpowe...
It is 1962 and the Second World War has been over for seventeen years: people have now had a chance to adjust to the new order. But its not been easy. The Mediterranean has been drained to make farmland, the population of Africa has virtually been wiped out and America has been divided between the Nazis and the Japanese. In the neutral buffer zone that divides the two superpowers lives the man in the high castle, the author of an underground bestseller, a work of fiction that offers an alternative theory of world history in which the Axis powers didnt win the war. The novel is a rallying cry for all those who dream of overthrowing the occupiers. But could it be more than that? Subtle, complex and beautifully characterized, The Man in the High Castle remains the finest alternative world novel ever written, and a work of profundity and significance.
作者简介 · · · · · ·Philip K. Dick: 粉丝昵称PKD。 美国科幻文学界的传奇人物,在美国科幻黄金时代独树一帜。 共出版44部长篇小说和121个短篇小说,曾获雨果奖和坎贝尔奖。 作品集中探讨何为真实以及个体身份建构。赋予科幻以复杂的文学性、心理深度以及社会警示意义 ,是美国最早一批使科幻严肃起来的作家之一。 盛名经久不衰,有多部作品被改编成电影,包括《银翼杀手》、《少数派报告》、《全面回忆》等,一再催生票房新高。 以其名字命名的菲利普•K.迪克奖是美国科幻界的主要奖项之一。