The Correctionstxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Jonathan Franzen 出版社: Picador 副标题: A Novel 出版年: 2002-9-1 页数: 576 定价: USD 17.00 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780312421274
内容简介 · · · · · ·Winner of the National Book Award After almost fifty years as a wife and mother, Enid Lambert is ready to have some fun. Unfortunately, her husband, Alfred, is losing his sanity to Parkinson's disease, and their children have long since flown the family nest to the catastrophes of their own lives. The oldest, Gary, a once-stable portfolio manager and family man, is trying to c...
Winner of the National Book Award After almost fifty years as a wife and mother, Enid Lambert is ready to have some fun. Unfortunately, her husband, Alfred, is losing his sanity to Parkinson's disease, and their children have long since flown the family nest to the catastrophes of their own lives. The oldest, Gary, a once-stable portfolio manager and family man, is trying to convince his wife and himself, despite clear signs to the contrary, that he is not clinically depressed. The middle child, Chip, has lost his seemingly secure academic job and is failing spectacularly at his new line of work. And Denise, the youngest, has escaped a disastrous marriage only to pour her youth and beauty down the drain of an affair with a married man-or so her mother fears. Desperate for some pleasure to look forward to, Enid has set her heart on an elusive goal: bringing her family together for one last Christmas at home. 点击链接进入中文版: 纠正
作者简介 · · · · · ·乔纳森•弗兰岑(1959— ) Jonathan Franzen 美国当代最有活力、最出色的小说家之一,十年来唯一登上美国《时代》封面的作家。代表作有小说《纠正》(2001)、《自由》(2010),散文集《更远》(2012)等。 小说《纠正》2001年获得美国全国图书奖、美国全国书评家协会奖提名和普利策小说奖提名,2002年获得英国最古老、最具声望的文学奖詹姆斯•泰特•布莱克奖,奠定了弗兰岑英语文学界的大师地位。