The Iliad of Homertxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Homer 出版社: University Of Chicago Press 副标题: Iliad of Homer 译者:Richmond Lattimore 出版年: 1961-6-1 页数: 527 定价: USD 14.00 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780226469409
内容简介 · · · · · ·"The finest translation of Homer ever made into the English language."--William Arrowsmith "Certainly the best modern verse translation."--Gilbert Highet "This magnificent translation of Homer's epic poem . . . will appeal to admirers of Homer and the classics, and the multitude who always wanted to read the great "Iliad" but never got around to doing so."--"The American Book...
"The finest translation of Homer ever made into the English language."--William Arrowsmith "Certainly the best modern verse translation."--Gilbert Highet "This magnificent translation of Homer's epic poem . . . will appeal to admirers of Homer and the classics, and the multitude who always wanted to read the great "Iliad" but never got around to doing so."--"The American Book Collector" "Perhaps closer to Homer in every way than any other version made in English."--Peter Green, "The New Republic" "The feat is decisive that it is reasonable to foresee a century or so in which nobody will try again to put the "Iliad" in English verse."--Robert Fitzgerald "Each new generation is bound to produce new translations. [Lattimore] has done better with nobility, as well as with accuracy, than any other modern verse translator. In our age we do not often find a fine scholar who is also a genuine poet and who takes the greatest pains over the work of translation."--Hugh Lloyd-Jones, "New York Review of Books" "Over the long haul Lattimore's translation is more powerful because its effects are more subtle."--"Booklist" "Richmond Lattimore is a fine translator of poetry because he has a poetic voice of his own, authentic and unmistakable and yet capable of remarkable range of modulation. His translations make the English reader aware of the poetry."--Moses Hadas, "The New York Times"
作者简介 · · · · · ·他站立在西方文学长河的源头上。他是诗人、哲学家、神学家、语言学家、社会学家、历史学家、地理学家、农林学家、工艺家、战争学家、杂家——用当代西方古典学者E.A.Havelock教授的话来说,是古代的百科全书。至迟在苏格拉底生活的年代,他已是希腊民族的老师;在亚里士多德去世后的希腊化时期,只要提及诗人(ho poiētēs),人们就知道指的是他。此人的作品是文艺复兴时期最畅销的书籍之一。密尔顿酷爱他的作品,拉辛曾熟读他的史诗。歌德承认,此人的作品使他每天受到教益;雪莱认为,在表现真理、和谐、持续的宏伟形象和令人满意的完整性方面,此人的功力胜过莎士比亚。他的作品,让我们援引当代文论家H.J.Rose教授的评价,“在一切方面为古希腊乃至欧洲文学”的发展定设了“一个合宜的”方向。这位古人是两部传世名著,即《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》的作者,他的名字叫荷马。