Oxford Sketchbooktxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Graham Byfield/Roger White 出版社: Editions Didier Millet 出版年: 2005-4-18 页数: 96 定价: GBP 22.50 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9789814155052
内容简介 · · · · · ·Many facets of Oxford are recorded here, as Graham Byfield strolls with his sketchpad through college gateways, courtyards and gardens, along broad streets and narrow alleyways, into great ceremonial buildings and cosy medieval pubs. In few cities in the world can such an array of architectural treasures be viewed within so compact an area, ideally suited to the visitor on foot...
Many facets of Oxford are recorded here, as Graham Byfield strolls with his sketchpad through college gateways, courtyards and gardens, along broad streets and narrow alleyways, into great ceremonial buildings and cosy medieval pubs. In few cities in the world can such an array of architectural treasures be viewed within so compact an area, ideally suited to the visitor on foot. Along the way, with a few pencil strokes and splashes of colour, Byfield captures passing scenes of student and city life enacted before one of the finest architectural backdrops in England.