Manage It!txt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Johanna Rothman 出版社: Pragmatic Bookshelf 副标题: Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project Management 出版年: 2007-06-07 页数: 200 定价: USD 34.95 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780978739249
内容简介 · · · · · ·This book is a reality-based guide for modern projects. You'll learn how to recognize your project's potholes and ruts, and determine the best way to fix problems - without causing more problems. Your project can't fail. That's a lot of pressure on you, and yet you don't want to buy into any one specific process, methodology, or lifecycle. Your project is different. It do...
This book is a reality-based guide for modern projects. You'll learn how to recognize your project's potholes and ruts, and determine the best way to fix problems - without causing more problems. Your project can't fail. That's a lot of pressure on you, and yet you don't want to buy into any one specific process, methodology, or lifecycle. Your project is different. It doesn't fit into those neat descriptions. Manage It! will show you how to beg, borrow, and steal from the best methodologies to fit your particular project. It will help you find what works best for you and not for some mythological project that doesn't even exist. Before you know it, your project will be on track and headed to a successful conclusion.
作者简介 · · · · · ·Johanna Rothman,世界知名的管理顾问,擅长高科技产品开发管理,经验丰富。1994年创办Rothman咨询公司。她也是活跃的技术作家,长期担任Fast Company和Software Development等业界著名杂志以及Computerworld.com和StickyMinds.com等一流在线媒体的专栏作者。除本书曾获大 奖之外,她的Behind Closed Doors和Hiring the Best Knowledge Workers, Techies & Nerds等著作也都广受好评。 郑柯 InfoQ中文站敏捷社区(首席编辑,《程序员》杂志前副主编。迄今为止翻译了项目管理与敏捷相关的图书、文章、新闻近100万字。与人合译《高效程序员的45个习惯...
Johanna Rothman,世界知名的管理顾问,擅长高科技产品开发管理,经验丰富。1994年创办Rothman咨询公司。她也是活跃的技术作家,长期担任Fast Company和Software Development等业界著名杂志以及Computerworld.com和StickyMinds.com等一流在线媒体的专栏作者。除本书曾获大 奖之外,她的Behind Closed Doors和Hiring the Best Knowledge Workers, Techies & Nerds等著作也都广受好评。 郑柯 InfoQ中文站敏捷社区(首席编辑,《程序员》杂志前副主编。迄今为止翻译了项目管理与敏捷相关的图书、文章、新闻近100万字。与人合译《高效程序员的45个习惯——敏捷开发修炼之道》(人民邮电出版社)。