The Major Film Theoriestxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:J. Dudley Andrew 出版社: Oxford University Press, USA 副标题: An Introduction 出版年: 1976-4-15 页数: 288 定价: USD 19.99 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780195019919
内容简介 · · · · · ·Dudley Andrew is a master at making the world of film theory accessible to a largely mystified public. Since the publication of his Major Film Theories, a classic in the field, the sophistication of the debate concerning the proper approach to film has grown. It is now the province of critics and universities instead of directors and artists, and this book concentrates on the m...
Dudley Andrew is a master at making the world of film theory accessible to a largely mystified public. Since the publication of his Major Film Theories, a classic in the field, the sophistication of the debate concerning the proper approach to film has grown. It is now the province of critics and universities instead of directors and artists, and this book concentrates on the main areas of the debate rather than on the individual figures. Andrew provides lucid explanations of theories which involve perceptual psychology and structuralism; semiotics and psychoanalysis; hermeneutics and genre study. Throughout he presents his own strong views on the relationship of film theory to criticism, history, and analysis. His clear approach to often obscure theories goes a long way towards bringing an important area of cultural discussion out of its academic exile.
作者简介 · · · · · ·达德利·安德鲁(J. Dudley Andrew),美国著名电影理论家,美国艺术与科学研究院委员,耶鲁大学电影中心创建者,谢尔顿·罗斯荣誉教授。获法国文化部授予的法国文化艺术勋章、美国电影与传媒研究会授予的“杰出终生事业成就奖”,著有《主要电影理论》(The Major Film Theories)、《电影理论概论》(Concepts of Film Theory)、《巴赞传》(André Bazin)、《悔恨的迷雾:法国古典电影的文化和敏感性》(Mists of Regret: Culture and Sensibility in Classic French Film)等15本著作,最新力作为《电影是什么!》(What Cinema Is!)、《打开巴赞》(Opening Bazin)。 李伟峰,湖南人,本科就读于清华大学新闻与传播专业。研究生就...
达德利·安德鲁(J. Dudley Andrew),美国著名电影理论家,美国艺术与科学研究院委员,耶鲁大学电影中心创建者,谢尔顿·罗斯荣誉教授。获法国文化部授予的法国文化艺术勋章、美国电影与传媒研究会授予的“杰出终生事业成就奖”,著有《主要电影理论》(The Major Film Theories)、《电影理论概论》(Concepts of Film Theory)、《巴赞传》(André Bazin)、《悔恨的迷雾:法国古典电影的文化和敏感性》(Mists of Regret: Culture and Sensibility in Classic French Film)等15本著作,最新力作为《电影是什么!》(What Cinema Is!)、《打开巴赞》(Opening Bazin)。 李伟峰,湖南人,本科就读于清华大学新闻与传播专业。研究生就读于中国电影艺术研究中心,获电影学硕士学位。
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