Animate Formtxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Greg Lynn 出版社: Princeton Architectural Press 出版年: 1999-1-1 页数: 128 定价: USD 40.00 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9781568980836
内容简介 · · · · · ·Covering current architectural projects designed by Form, the office of Greg Lynn, this text and interactive CD-ROM explore the potential of time-based animation techniques to inform architectural design. Through the use of animation and special effects software, Lynn seeks to transform space and form into highlt plastic and flexible entities. He uses topological geometries to ...
Covering current architectural projects designed by Form, the office of Greg Lynn, this text and interactive CD-ROM explore the potential of time-based animation techniques to inform architectural design. Through the use of animation and special effects software, Lynn seeks to transform space and form into highlt plastic and flexible entities. He uses topological geometries to bend, twist, deform and differentiate structure, creating departures from what Lynn sees as preconceived notions of architecture. The book provides a theoretical context for the experimental projects through a collection of texts by Lynn, illustrated in colour. The CD-ROM, packaged with the text, is an interactive hypertext environment that fully documents the design processes used to generate the projects through animation, renderings, model photographs and video. System requirements for the CD-ROM are: Windows 3.1, or '95; or MAC OS 7.1 or later; 2 MB available RAM.