iOS Programming(2nd Edition)txt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Joe Conway/Aaron Hillegass 出版社: Addison-Wesley Professional 副标题: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide 出版年: 2011-7-2 页数: 590 定价: USD 49.99 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780321773777
内容简介 · · · · · ·In this book, the world's leading Apple platform development trainers offer a complete, practical, hands-on introduction to iPhone and iPad programming. The authors walk through all the Apple tools and technologies needed to build successful iPhone/iPad/iPod touch apps, including the iOS 4.3 SDK, the Objective-C language, Xcode 4, Foundation framework, and the classes that make...
In this book, the world's leading Apple platform development trainers offer a complete, practical, hands-on introduction to iPhone and iPad programming. The authors walk through all the Apple tools and technologies needed to build successful iPhone/iPad/iPod touch apps, including the iOS 4.3 SDK, the Objective-C language, Xcode 4, Foundation framework, and the classes that make up the iOS UI framework. The many topics covered in this book include: * Easily setting up elegant, efficient user interfaces with UIKit * Creating effective visuals, animation, and effects with Core Graphics and Core Animation * Making the most of the iOS multi-touch event handling and accelerometer data * Building location-aware iOS applications utilizing Core Location and MapKit * Localizing applications for international use * Creating applications that capture audio and play media * Storing data in files or with Core Data New chapters added to this edition include: * iPad-friendly interfaces, including UIPopoverController and UISplitViewController * Blocks and Categories * Instruments and Xcode's static analyzer * UIWebView and connecting with web servers * Push Notifications iOS Programming also includes a handy Xcode Quick Reference Card that lists Xcode 4's most commonly used keyboard shortcuts.
作者简介 · · · · · ·Christian Keur是Big Nerd Ranch的高级讲师和软件工程师,负责编写Big Nerd Ranch的“iOS新手培训课程”教材。该教材广受好评,是本书的原型。Christian毕业于美国佐治亚理工学院计算机科学系,目前居住在亚特兰大。 Aaron Hillegass是Big Nerd Ranch的创始人之一,曾就职于NeXT公司和Apple公司,他拥有近20年的Objective-C、Cocoa、iOS开发与教学经验。Aaron与他人合著了《Mac OS X编程》和《Objectibe-C编程》。 Joe Conway曾参与编写了“iOS新手培训课程”教材。他最近创办了stable/kernel 公司,开发高质量的移动应用。