
出版社: 外语教研
出版年: 2003-3
页数: 505
定价: 38.90元
ISBN: 9787560032719

内容简介 · · · · · ·

本教材是北京外国语大学英语系的专家们根据当代语言数学的研究成果和罗年的教学经验,精心编写的供高等院校英语专业本料学生使用的教材。本教材有以下特点: 本教材是北京外国语大学英语系的一项重要科研成果,汇集了英语教学专家们的丰富教学经验,体现了前沿的教学思想。 教材吸纳了国外最新的语言材料,题材丰富,内容新颖,包括了现代生活的各个方面,具有鲜明的时代特征。 教材在总体目标、语言项目、词汇范围和练习方式上,都体现了新大纲的要求,符合国家标准。 教材在教学法上博采众长,不拘一格;在教学原则上注意发挥学生的主动性与积极性;在编写手法上注意纵向连贯和横向配合,循序渐进。 与教材配套的有录音带、多媒体软件等辅助学习材料,体现了立体教学的特点,方便读者学习。 教材注意语言与文化的结合,注重提高学生的人文修养,体现了英语专业教材的特色...

目录 · · · · · ·

Plan of the BookAcknowledgementTextLesson OneText A Thinking as a HobbyText B The Pleasures of LearningLesson TwoText A Waiting for the PoliceText B The Hitch—hikerLesson ThreeText A Why Historians DisagreeText B The Third ManLesson FourText A A Drink in the PassageText B The BenchLesson FiveText A Man of the MomentText B Climbing the Mountain of SuccessLesson SixText A Groundless BeliefsText B Corn--pone OpinionsLesson SevenText A Spring SowingText B The Earth POetLesson EightText A Globalization’S Dual PowerText B The International Language of GesturesLesson Nine。Text A The Most Dangerous Game Text B The Big Buffalo BassLesson TenText A The TelephoneText B The Hour Of LetdownLesson ElevenText A The Pen of My AuntText B Only Three More DaysLesson TwelveText A Lions and Tigers and BearsText B Two CitiesLesson ThirteenText A Soldier’S HeartText B WarLesson FourteenText A How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?Text B They Dared Cocaine--and LostLesson FifteenText A The Damned Human RaceText B The Case Against ManVocabulary List

Plan of the BookAcknowledgementTextLesson OneText A Thinking as a HobbyText B The Pleasures of LearningLesson TwoText A Waiting for the PoliceText B The Hitch—hikerLesson ThreeText A Why Historians DisagreeText B The Third ManLesson FourText A A Drink in the PassageText B The BenchLesson FiveText A Man of the MomentText B Climbing the Mountain of SuccessLesson SixText A Groundless BeliefsText B Corn--pone OpinionsLesson SevenText A Spring SowingText B The Earth POetLesson EightText A Globalization’S Dual PowerText B The International Language of GesturesLesson Nine。Text A The Most Dangerous Game Text B The Big Buffalo BassLesson TenText A The TelephoneText B The Hour Of LetdownLesson ElevenText A The Pen of My AuntText B Only Three More DaysLesson TwelveText A Lions and Tigers and BearsText B Two CitiesLesson ThirteenText A Soldier’S HeartText B WarLesson FourteenText A How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?Text B They Dared Cocaine--and LostLesson FifteenText A The Damned Human RaceText B The Case Against ManVocabulary List
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作者: 帘外人儿



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