Anthemtxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者: Ayn Rand 出版社: Signet Book 出版年: 1996-08 页数: 253 定价: USD 7.99 装帧: Mass Market Paperback ISBN: 9780451191137
内容简介 · · · · · ·Available for the first time in trade paperback--this provocative book is "an anthem sung in praise of man's ego"--from the legendary author Ayn Rand Anthem has long been hailed as one of Ayn Rand's classic novels, and a clear predecessor to her later masterpieces, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. In Anthem, Rand examines a frightening future in which individuals have no n...
Available for the first time in trade paperback--this provocative book is "an anthem sung in praise of man's ego"--from the legendary author Ayn Rand Anthem has long been hailed as one of Ayn Rand's classic novels, and a clear predecessor to her later masterpieces, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. In Anthem, Rand examines a frightening future in which individuals have no name, no independence, and no values. Equality 7-2521 lives in the dark ages of the future where all decisions are made by committee, all people live in collectives, and all traces of individualism have been wiped out. Despite such a restrictive environment, the spark of individual thought and freedom still burns in him--a passion which he has been taught to call sinful. In a purely egalitarian world, Equality 7-2521 dares to stand apart from the herd--to think and choose for himself, to discover electricity, and to love the woman of his choice. Now he has been marked for death for committing the ultimate sin. In a world where the great "we" reign supreme, he has rediscovered the lost and holy word--"I."
作者简介 · · · · · ·安·兰德是美国当代最有影响的作家、思想家和公共知识分子之一。 安·兰德宣扬极端个人主义精神,是理性利已主义的倡导者,与利他主义和自我牺牲的伦理学形成最为尖锐的对抗。 在美国,她的作品的销量仅次于《圣经》。 有人说不了解安·兰德就无法理解美国精神。许多大名鼎鼎的人物,包括美联储主席格林斯潘、甲骨文CEO埃里森都是安·兰德哲学的拥趸。