Ten Thousand Thingstxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Lothar Ledderose 出版社: Princeton University Press 副标题: Module and Mass Production in Chinese Art 出版年: 2001-7-2 页数: 272 定价: GBP 30.95 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780691009575
内容简介 · · · · · ·Chinese workers in the third century b.c. created seven thousand life-sized terracotta soldiers to guard the tomb of the First Emperor. In the eleventh century a.d., Chinese builders constructed a pagoda from as many as thirty thousand separately carved wooden pieces. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, China exported more than a hundred million pieces of porcelain to ...
Chinese workers in the third century b.c. created seven thousand life-sized terracotta soldiers to guard the tomb of the First Emperor. In the eleventh century a.d., Chinese builders constructed a pagoda from as many as thirty thousand separately carved wooden pieces. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, China exported more than a hundred million pieces of porcelain to the West. As these examples show, the Chinese throughout history have produced works of art in astonishing quantities - and have done so without sacrificing quality, affordability, or speed of manufacture. How have they managed this? Lothar Ledderose takes us on a remarkable tour of Chinese art and culture to explain how artists used complex systems of mass production to assemble extraordinary objects from standardized parts or modules. As he reveals, these systems have deep roots in Chinese thought - in the idea that the universe consists of ten thousand categories of things, for example - and reflect characteristically Chinese modes of social organization. Ledderose begins with the modular system par excellence: Chinese script, an ancient system of fifty thousand characters produced from a repertoire of only about two hundred components. He shows how Chinese artists used related modular systems to create ritual bronzes, to produce the First Emperor's terracotta army, and to develop the world's first printing systems. He explores the dazzling variety of lacquerware and porcelain that the West found so seductive, and examines how works as diverse as imperial palaces and paintings of hell relied on elegant variation of standardized components. Ledderose explains that Chinese artists, unlike their Western counterparts, did not seek to reproduce individual objects of nature faithfully, but sought instead to mimic nature's ability to produce limitless numbers of objects. He shows as well how modular patterns of thought run through Chinese ideas about personal freedom, China's culture of bureaucracy, Chinese religion, and even the organization of Chinese restaurants. Originally presented as a series of Mellon lectures at the National Gallery of Art, "Ten Thousand Things" combines keen aesthetic and cultural insights with a rich variety of illustrations to make a profound new statement about Chinese art and society.
作者简介 · · · · · ·雷德侯 1942年12月7日出生于慕尼黑。 1961-1969年在科隆、波恩、巴黎、台北、海德堡等地学习东亚艺术、欧洲艺术、汉学、日本学。 1969年以《清代的篆书》论文获海德堡大学东亚艺术史博士,随后至美国普林斯顿大学、哈佛大学修学。 1975-1976年供职于柏林国立博物馆、东亚艺术博物馆,1976年在科隆大学任教授,同年执教于海德堡大学东亚艺术史系,任系主任兼艺术史研究所所长,1978年任哲学历史学院院长。 雷德侯还是德国东方学会会长、柏林学术院院士、德意志考古研究所通讯员、海德堡学术院院士、英国学术院通讯院士。曾任剑桥、芝加哥、台湾大学客座教授或特约研究员。 其主持的展览有紫禁城的珍宝、兵马俑大军,日本与欧洲,中国明清绘画等。著《米蒂与中国书法的古典传统》、《兰与石——柏林东亚艺术博物馆藏中国...
雷德侯 1942年12月7日出生于慕尼黑。 1961-1969年在科隆、波恩、巴黎、台北、海德堡等地学习东亚艺术、欧洲艺术、汉学、日本学。 1969年以《清代的篆书》论文获海德堡大学东亚艺术史博士,随后至美国普林斯顿大学、哈佛大学修学。 1975-1976年供职于柏林国立博物馆、东亚艺术博物馆,1976年在科隆大学任教授,同年执教于海德堡大学东亚艺术史系,任系主任兼艺术史研究所所长,1978年任哲学历史学院院长。 雷德侯还是德国东方学会会长、柏林学术院院士、德意志考古研究所通讯员、海德堡学术院院士、英国学术院通讯院士。曾任剑桥、芝加哥、台湾大学客座教授或特约研究员。 其主持的展览有紫禁城的珍宝、兵马俑大军,日本与欧洲,中国明清绘画等。著《米蒂与中国书法的古典传统》、《兰与石——柏林东亚艺术博物馆藏中国书画》,《万物》于2002年获列文森图书奖。 2005年9月7日,雷德侯因对亚洲艺术史的贡献荣获巴尔赞奖。