Awakeningstxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Oliver Sacks 出版社: Vintage 出版年: 1999-10-5 页数: 464 定价: USD 16.00 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780375704055
内容简介 · · · · · ·One of the most beautifully composed and moving works of our time. -- The Washington Post "Compulsively readable. . . . Dr. Sacks writes beautifully and with exceptional subtlety and penetration into both the state of mind of his patients and the nature of illness generally. . . . A brilliant and humane book." --A. Alvarez, The Observer Awakenings --which inspired the maj...
One of the most beautifully composed and moving works of our time. -- The Washington Post "Compulsively readable. . . . Dr. Sacks writes beautifully and with exceptional subtlety and penetration into both the state of mind of his patients and the nature of illness generally. . . . A brilliant and humane book." --A. Alvarez, The Observer Awakenings --which inspired the major motion picture--is the remarkable story of a group of patients who contracted sleeping-sickness during the great epidemic just after World War I. Frozen for decades in a trance-like state, these men and women were given up as hopeless until 1969, when Dr. Oliver Sacks gave them the then-new drug L-DOPA, which had an astonishing, explosive, "awakening" effect. Dr. Sacks recounts the moving case histories of his patients, their lives, and the extraordinary transformations which went with their reintroduction to a changed world. "[Sacks] opens to the reader doors of perception generally passed through only by those at the far borders of human experience." -- The Boston Globe "A masterpiece." --W. H. Auden
作者简介 · · · · · ·奥利弗?萨克斯 杰出的神经病学专家、闻名全球的畅销书作家。 毕业于牛津大学皇后学院,目前为哥伦比亚大学临床神经科教授。他的第一本书《睡人》一出版,便受到读者热捧,之后立刻被拍成风靡全球的电影。其后,他陆续出版了《觉醒》、《单脚站立》、《错把妻子当帽子》、《火星上的人类学家》、《脑袋里装了2000出歌剧的人》、《钨舅舅——少年萨克斯的化学爱恋》、《色盲岛》等书,被翻译成近30种语言,畅销全球,在全世界掀起狂热的“萨克斯飓风”。 萨克斯的书因独特新颖的视角、惊世骇俗的观念、曲折离奇的故事,以及深刻的人文关怀与感人至深的力量,屡屡被改编成电影和歌剧,风靡全世界。 因其在文学和科学研究上的杰出贡献,萨克斯荣膺霍桑登奖、乔治?波克奖,以及专门授予科学作家的刘易斯?托马斯奖,也是古根汉学术奖获得者,还被英国女王授予高级骑士勋章。