Beating the Streettxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Peter Lynch 出版社: Simon & Schuster 出版年: 1994-5-1 页数: 336 定价: GBP 10.99 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780671891633
内容简介 · · · · · ·在线阅读本书 Develop a Winning Investment Strategy -- with Expert Advice from "The Nation's #1 Money Manager" Peter Lynch's "invest in what you know" strategy has made him a household name with investors both big and small. An important key to investing, Lynch says, is to remember that stocks are not lottery tickets. There's a company behind every stock and a reason companies -- a...
在线阅读本书 Develop a Winning Investment Strategy -- with Expert Advice from "The Nation's #1 Money Manager" Peter Lynch's "invest in what you know" strategy has made him a household name with investors both big and small. An important key to investing, Lynch says, is to remember that stocks are not lottery tickets. There's a company behind every stock and a reason companies -- and their stocks -- perform the way they do. In this book, newly revised and updated for the paperback edition, Peter Lynch shows you how you can become an expert in a company and how you can build a profitable investment portfolio, based on your own experience and insights and on straightforward do-it-yourself research. There's no reason the individual investor can't match wits with the experts, and this book will show you how. In Beating the Street, Lynch for the first time: * Explains how to devise a mutual fund strategy * Shows how he goes about picking stocks, step-by-step * Describes how the individual investor can improve his or her investment performance to rival that of the experts of the investment clubs.
作者简介 · · · · · ·彼得•林奇 彼得•林奇是美国,乃至全球首屈一指的投资专家。他对共同基金的贡献,就像乔丹对篮球的贡献,其共同之处在于把投资变成了一种艺术,提升到一个新的境界。 彼得•林奇出生于1944年,15岁开始小试投资,赚取学费,1968年毕业于宾州大学沃顿商学院,取得MBA学位。 1969年,林奇进入富达公司。1977~1990年间,他一直担任富达公司旗下麦哲伦基金的经理人。在这13年间,他使麦哲伦基金的管理资产从2000万美元增至140亿美元,年平均复利报酬率高达29%,几乎无人能出其右。麦哲伦基金也由此成为世界上最成功的基金,投资绩效名列第一。 1990年,彼得•林奇光荣退休,开始总结自己的投资经验,陆续写出《彼得•林奇的成功投资》、《战胜华尔街》、《学以致富》,轰动华尔街。