Pro Puppettxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:James Turnbull/Jeffrey McCune 出版社: Apress 出版年: 2011-5-4 页数: 336 定价: USD 59.99 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9781430230571
内容简介 · · · · · ·Pro Puppet is an in-depth guide to installing, using, and developing the popular configuration management tool Puppet. The book is a comprehensive follow-up to the previous title Pulling Strings with Puppet. Puppet provides a way to automate everything from user management to server configuration. You'll learn how to create Puppet recipes, extend Puppet, and use Facter to gathe...
Pro Puppet is an in-depth guide to installing, using, and developing the popular configuration management tool Puppet. The book is a comprehensive follow-up to the previous title Pulling Strings with Puppet. Puppet provides a way to automate everything from user management to server configuration. You'll learn how to create Puppet recipes, extend Puppet, and use Facter to gather configuration data from your servers. Puppet is a must-have tool for system administrators, and Pro Puppet will teach you how to maximize its capabilities and customize it for your environment. * Install and configure Puppet to immediately start automating tasks and create reporting solutions * Learn insider tricks and techniques to better manage your infrastructure * Become a Puppet expert! What you'll learn * See how to install Puppet on a variety of platforms * Learn how to manage infrastructure with Puppet * Discover how to scale Puppet to suit small, medium, and large organizations * Learn how to integrate Puppet with other tools such as Cucumber and Nagios * Discover advanced Puppet techniques to make managing your environment easier * Learn how to develop and extend Puppet to suit your environment Who this book is for Systems administrators, implementers and systems integrators. Table of Contents * Getting Started with Puppet * Building Hosts with Puppet * Working with Environments * Puppet Scalability * Externalizing Puppet Configuration * Exporting and Storing Configuration * Puppet Consoles: Dashboard and The Foreman *Tools and Integration * Reporting with Puppet * Extending Facter and Puppet * Marionette Collective * Working with Puppet
作者简介 · · · · · ·作者简介: James Turnbull 开源拥趸,Linux Australia前任主席,经常在OSCON、Open Source Bridge、 DevOpsDays等大会上发言。现任职于Puppet Labs。目前已有5本著作,均涉及开源软件。James 是澳大利亚人,目前居住在美国奥勒冈州的波特兰。他的兴趣爱好十分广泛,包括烹饪、品酒、 政治理论、新闻摄影以及哲学,最近还加入了波特兰Timbers协会足球队。 Jeffrey McCune Puppet社区成员,开源软件的支持者,经常在苹果的世界开发者大会、Macworld、Open Source Bridge、Velocity等大会上发言。现任职于Puppet Labs,致力于编写代码和帮助客户改进他们的Puppet部署。Jeff目前居住在奥勒冈州的波特兰,喜爱钻研微控制器、动画、摄影、音乐...
作者简介: James Turnbull 开源拥趸,Linux Australia前任主席,经常在OSCON、Open Source Bridge、 DevOpsDays等大会上发言。现任职于Puppet Labs。目前已有5本著作,均涉及开源软件。James 是澳大利亚人,目前居住在美国奥勒冈州的波特兰。他的兴趣爱好十分广泛,包括烹饪、品酒、 政治理论、新闻摄影以及哲学,最近还加入了波特兰Timbers协会足球队。 Jeffrey McCune Puppet社区成员,开源软件的支持者,经常在苹果的世界开发者大会、Macworld、Open Source Bridge、Velocity等大会上发言。现任职于Puppet Labs,致力于编写代码和帮助客户改进他们的Puppet部署。Jeff目前居住在奥勒冈州的波特兰,喜爱钻研微控制器、动画、摄影、音乐,爱好徒步旅行以及沙滩长途步行。 译者简介: 高永超 专职SA,喜欢钻研架构和运维相关知识,有两年Puppet使用经验,现任运维工 程师。网络ID为flex,邮箱。