A Theory Is Explanation 3
1 Explanation in the Social Sciences / George C. Homans 9
B Motives and Mechanisms 15
2 Types of Social Action / Max Weber 22
C The Problem of Social Order 27
3 The Moral Basis of a Backward Society / Edward C. Banfield 33
D Meaning 44
4 The Production of Consciousness / Karl Marx 49
5 The Origin of Beliefs / Emile Durkheim 52
6 Genesis and Dev...
A Theory Is Explanation 3
1 Explanation in the Social Sciences / George C. Homans 9
B Motives and Mechanisms 15
2 Types of Social Action / Max Weber 22
C The Problem of Social Order 27
3 The Moral Basis of a Backward Society / Edward C. Banfield 33
D Meaning 44
4 The Production of Consciousness / Karl Marx 49
5 The Origin of Beliefs / Emile Durkheim 52
6 Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact / Ludwik Fleck 60
7 Play, the Game, and the Generalized Other / George Herbert Mead 65
8 Meanings of Violence / Dov Cohen, Joe Vandello 73
E Values and Norms 91
9 Civilization and Its Discontents / Sigmund Freud 101
10 Egoistic Suicide / Emile Durkheim 112
11 Anomic Suicide / Emile Durkheim 118
12 Explaining the Emergence of Norms / Christine Horne 129
13 Behavior in Public Places / Erving Goffman 140
14 Altruistic Punishment in Humans / Ernst Fehr, Simon Gachter 151
F Power and Authority 159
15 Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes 166
16 The Origin of the State / Friedrich Engels 179
17 The Types of Legitimate Domination / Max Weber 183
18 Learning to Labor / Paul Willis 204
G Spontaneous Order 216
19 Cosmos and Taxis / Friedrich A. Hayek 221
20 Micromotives and Macrobehavior / Thomas C. Schelling 237
21 The Division of Labor / Adam Smith 251
22 The Evolution of Cooperation / Robert Axelrod 261
23 The Live-and-Let-Live System in Trench Warfare in World War I / Robert Axelrod 273
H Groups and Networks 283
24 The Web of Group-Affiliations / Georg Simmel 291
25 The Strength of Weak Ties / Mark S. Granovetter 299
26 Trust, Cohesion, and the Social Order / Ernest Gellner 310
27 Individualism and Free Institutions / Alexis De Tocqueville 317
28 The Attainment of Social Order in Heterogeneous Societies / Michael Hechter, Debra Friedman, Satoshi Kanazawa 329
I Conclusion 345
Index 351