《Electing to Fight》电子书下载

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作者:Edward D. Mansfield/Jack Snyder
出版社: The MIT Press
副标题: Why Emerging Democracies Go to War
出版年: 2007-1-26
页数: 320
定价: USD 25.00
装帧: Paperback
丛书: BCSIA Studies in International Security
ISBN: 9780262633475

内容简介 · · · · · ·

Does the spread of democracy really contribute to international peace? Successive U. S. administrations have justified various policies intended to promote democracy not only by arguing that democracy is intrinsically good but by pointing to a wide range of research concluding that democracies rarely, if ever, go to war with one another. To promote democracy, the United States ...

作者简介 · · · · · ·

Edward D. Mansfield is Hum Rosen Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of Power, Trade, and War and International Conflict and the Global Economy.

Jack Snyder is the Robert and Renée Belfer Professor of International Relations at Columbia University. He is the author of From Voting to Violence: Democratization and Nationalist Conflic...

目录 · · · · · ·

1 The Perilous Path to the Democratic Peace 1
2 Reconciling the Democratic Peace with Accounts of Democratization and War 21
3 Explaining Turbulent Transitions 39
4 Data and Measures for Testing the Argument 69
5 Democratization and War: Statistical Findings 95
6 Democratizing Dyads and the Outbreak of War: Statistical Findings 139
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1 The Perilous Path to the Democratic Peace 1
2 Reconciling the Democratic Peace with Accounts of Democratization and War 21
3 Explaining Turbulent Transitions 39
4 Data and Measures for Testing the Argument 69
5 Democratization and War: Statistical Findings 95
6 Democratizing Dyads and the Outbreak of War: Statistical Findings 139
7 Democratizing Initiators of War: Tracing Causal Processes 169
8 Tracing Trajectories of Democratization and War in the 1990s 229
9 Conclusion: Sequencing the Transition for Peace 265
Appendix Democratizing Countries that Experienced the Outbreak of External War, 1816–1992 285
Index of Persons
Index of Subjects
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作者: 黑鸡长老



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