《A Companion to Chinese History》电子书下载

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作者:Michael Szonyi (Editor)
出版社: Wiley-Blackwell
出版年: 2017-2-6
页数: 480
定价: USD 195.00
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781118624609

内容简介 · · · · · ·

A Companion to Chinese History presents a collection of essays offering a comprehensive overview of the latest intellectual developments in the study of China’s history from the ancient past up until the present day.

Covers the major trends in the study of Chinese history from antiquity to the present day

Considers the latest scholarship of historians working in China and aroun...

作者简介 · · · · · ·

Michael Szonyi is Director of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and Professor of Chinese History at Harvard University. He is the author of Practicing Kinship: Lineage and Descent in Late Imperial China (2002), Cold War Island: Quemoy on the Front Line (2008; Chinese edition 2016), and the forthcoming Everyday Politics in Late Imperial China: Soldiers and their families i...

目录 · · · · · ·

Notes on Contributors
1. Introduction
Michael Szonyi
Section I: States of the Field
2. How Do We Know What We Know About Chinese History?
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Notes on Contributors
1. Introduction
Michael Szonyi
Section I: States of the Field
2. How Do We Know What We Know About Chinese History?
Endymion Wilkinson
3. Chinese History in China: The State of the Field (1980s-2010s)
May-bo Ching
4. Chinese History in Japan: The State of the Field
Shiba Yoshinobu
5. Chinese History in Europe: The State of the Field
Harriet Zurndorfer
6. Chinese History in the Era of the China Dream
Geremie R Barmé and Michael Szonyi
7. Chinese History in World History
Gregory Blue
Section II Chronology
8. Early China in Eurasian History
Michael Puett
9. Was Medieval China Medieval? (Post-Han to Mid-Tang)
Charles Holcombe
10. A Tang-Song Turning Point
Nicolas Tacket
11. Periods of Non-Chinese (or Non-Han) Rule
Michal Biran
12. Song to Qing: Late Imperial or Early Modern?
R. Kent Guy
13. Nineteenth-Century China: The Evolution of American Historical Approaches
Paul A. Cohen
14. Republican History
Janet Y. Chen
15. Rethinking the History of Maoist China
S.A. Smith
16. The Reform Era as History
Timothy Cheek
Section III Themes and Approaches
17. Women, Gender, the Family and Sexuality
Weijing Lu
18. History of Premodern Chinese Literature
Graham Sanders
19. Modern Chinese Literature
David Der-wei Wang
20. The Environmental History of China: Past, Present, and Future
Peter C. Perdue
21. Science, Technology, and Medicine
Carla Nappi
22. Legal History
William P. Alford and Eric T. Schluessel
23. Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Identity in the Study of Modern China
Thomas S. Mullaney
24. The Religious Core of Local Social Organization
Barend ter Haar
25. Beyond the Great Divergence: Current Scholarship on the Economic History of Premodern China
Richard von Glahn
26. Taiwan: Margin, Center, Node
Shelley Rigger
27. Chinese Migrations
Henry S.N. Yu
28. China in the World: Beyond the Tribute System
John E. Wills, Jr.
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