A Freewheelin' Timetxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者: Suze Rotolo 出版社: Broadway 副标题: A Memoir of Greenwich Village in the Sixties 出版年: 2008-5-13 页数: 384 定价: USD 22.95 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780767926874
内容简介 · · · · · ·A Freewheelin’ Time is Suze Rotolo’s firsthand, eyewitness, participant-observer account of the immensely creative and fertile years of the 1960s, just before the circus was in full swing and Bob Dylan became the anointed ringmaster. It chronicles the back-story of Greenwich Village in the early days of the folk music explosion, when Dylan was honing his skills and she was in ...
A Freewheelin’ Time is Suze Rotolo’s firsthand, eyewitness, participant-observer account of the immensely creative and fertile years of the 1960s, just before the circus was in full swing and Bob Dylan became the anointed ringmaster. It chronicles the back-story of Greenwich Village in the early days of the folk music explosion, when Dylan was honing his skills and she was in the ring with him. A shy girl from Queens, Suze Rotolo was the daughter of Italian working-class Communists. Growing up at the start of the Cold War and during McCarthyism, she inevitably became an outsider in her neighborhood and at school. Her childhood was turbulent, but Suze found solace in poetry, art, and music. In Washington Square Park, in Greenwich Village, she encountered like-minded friends who were also politically active. Then one hot day in July 1961, Suze met Bob Dylan, a rising young musician, at a folk concert at Riverside Church. She was seventeen, he was twenty; they were young, curious, and inseparable. During the years they were together, Dylan was transformed from an obscure folk singer into an uneasy spokesperson for a generation. Suze Rotolo’s story is rich in character and setting, filled with vivid memories of those tumultuous years of dramatic change and poignantly rising expectations when art, culture, and politics all seemed to be conspiring to bring our country a better, freer, richer, and more equitable life. She writes of her involvement with the civil rights movement and describes the sometimes frustrating experience of being a woman in a male-dominated culture, before women’s liberation changed the rules for the better. And she tells the wonderfully romantic story of her sweet but sometimes wrenching love affair and its eventual collapse under the pressures of growing fame. A Freewheelin’ Time is a vibrant, moving memoir of a hopeful time and place and of a vital subculture at its most creative. It communicates the excitement of youth, the heartbreak of young love, and the struggles for a brighter future.
作者简介 · · · · · ·苏西·罗托洛(Suze Rotolo,1943.11~2011.2) 美国艺术家,鲍勃·迪伦一九六零年代格林威治村成长期的女友。在《放任自流的鲍勃·迪伦》封套上,她和迪伦相拥走在冰天雪地的琼斯街头的那帧温暖图像,已然成为那个大时代的图腾符号之一。热爱诗歌、戏剧,少年时代即积极投身民权运动的苏西远不止是封套女孩那么简单。她是迪伦一些最伟大情歌背后的“缪斯女神”,亦深远地影响了迪伦的创作方式,更被西方乐评界普遍认为在迪伦蜕变为“时代代言人”的过程中扮演了最重要的角色。 在与迪伦分手后,苏西专注于艺术创作。今年年初,她因肺癌病逝于纽约。 译者简介 陈震,1976年出生于江苏靖江。踢过足球,玩过摇滚,做过医生,现为自由译者。已发表译著近百万字,内容涉及摇滚乐、足球、艺术等。曾因独立策划加拿大传奇民谣乐队Cowboy Junkies制作中国概念唱片《Renmi...
苏西·罗托洛(Suze Rotolo,1943.11~2011.2) 美国艺术家,鲍勃·迪伦一九六零年代格林威治村成长期的女友。在《放任自流的鲍勃·迪伦》封套上,她和迪伦相拥走在冰天雪地的琼斯街头的那帧温暖图像,已然成为那个大时代的图腾符号之一。热爱诗歌、戏剧,少年时代即积极投身民权运动的苏西远不止是封套女孩那么简单。她是迪伦一些最伟大情歌背后的“缪斯女神”,亦深远地影响了迪伦的创作方式,更被西方乐评界普遍认为在迪伦蜕变为“时代代言人”的过程中扮演了最重要的角色。 在与迪伦分手后,苏西专注于艺术创作。今年年初,她因肺癌病逝于纽约。 译者简介 陈震,1976年出生于江苏靖江。踢过足球,玩过摇滚,做过医生,现为自由译者。已发表译著近百万字,内容涉及摇滚乐、足球、艺术等。曾因独立策划加拿大传奇民谣乐队Cowboy Junkies制作中国概念唱片《Renmin Park》,被美国国家公共广播电台(NPR)等北美媒体采访报道。翻译有《穆里尼奥传:葡萄牙制造》、《埃里克•克莱普顿自传:天堂十字路口》、《弗雷迪•莫库里传》等书籍。