Eating the Big Fishtxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Adam Morgan 出版社: John Wiley & Sons 副标题: How Challenger Brands Can Compete Against Brand Leaders 出版年: 1999-01-13 页数: 304 定价: GBP 25.99 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780471242093
内容简介 · · · · · ·Eating the Big Fish is on fire with ideas. Best in the marketplace." -Steve Hayden, President, Worldwide Brand Services, Ogilvy and Mather "In 1986, the Levi's Dockers brand challenged the biggest fish in the men's apparel sea, Haggar. And we beat the pants off them! In his new book, Adam Morgan adroitly presents many of the same fundamental marketing principles which worked...
Eating the Big Fish is on fire with ideas. Best in the marketplace." -Steve Hayden, President, Worldwide Brand Services, Ogilvy and Mather "In 1986, the Levi's Dockers brand challenged the biggest fish in the men's apparel sea, Haggar. And we beat the pants off them! In his new book, Adam Morgan adroitly presents many of the same fundamental marketing principles which worked so well for us. A must read for marketing professionals." -Steve Goldstein, V.P. Marketing and Research, Levi's Brand U.S.A. Years ago, Avis was a little fish in the car rental industry. Fearing the company would be swallowed up if they didn't "try harder," Avis boldly announced its #2 status to the world through advertising-and the rest is history. Why has this approach become a marketing legend? Because there are more people who can relate to being #2, 3, or even 4, than can claim they know what it's like to be the Big Fish. There are plenty of little fish out there, circling in schools around the brand leaders they so desperately wish to surpass. Squeezed by new competition, a retreating consumer, and aggressive retailing practices, marketers of second- and third-rank brands are struggling to survive in a business environment where they have fewer resources and less control than ever before. But instead of watching-and copying-every move the Big Fish makes, these "Challenger" brands need their own set of marketing rules if they have any hopes of staying afloat and competing effectively against the leader. Eating the Big Fish is the first book that sets out to define those rules. Adam Morgan offers an innovative mental and strategic framework for those who find themselves in this new, hostile middle ground, looking for aggressive growth against the market leader. Morgan, the Joint European Planning Director of TBWA (the international advertising agency behind the campaigns for such brands as Absolut vodka, Apple computers, and Sony Playstation), has examined in detail forty of the most successful Challenger brands of the last ten years -new or relaunched brands which have achieved rapid growth (and fame) with limited marketing resources. He outlines the reasons why Challengers must think differently in order to survive, offering hands-on advice, plentiful examples, and invaluable information to help a Challenger learn how to swim out of the shadow of the Big Fish. At the heart of the book are the Eight Credos of Challenger Brands -Morgan's analysis of the common marketing strands that these Challengers seem to share, which range in scope from the need to project who you are and what you believe in (#2, Build a Lighthouse Identity) to insights about the organizational structure and focus in such companies and brands (#8, Become Idea-Centered, Rather Than Consumer-Centered). Morgan fully analyzes each Credo, discussing in detail the marketing strategy and behavior of the specific Challenger brands that have shaped the rules. He provides case studies that include both his agency's clients and other well-known brands, such as Lexus, Oakley, Fox TV, Energizer, Virgin Atlantic, Swatch, Nissan, and more. Morgan then draws the Credos together into a "Challenger Strategic Program" that can be applied to the reader's own market and brand challenge, offering a proposed outline for a two-day Off-Site Program that will attempt to kick-start the Challenger process for a core group within any marketing or management team. In addition, Morgan looks at the great Challengers of the last ten years who have gone on to become brand leaders, and shows how even the rules of brand leadership have changed -why staying #1 now means, in fact, thinking and behaving like a #2. Anyone can follow a leader. It takes a smart company to go up against the Big Fish, and Morgan's innovative, strategic program will show even the littlest fish how to make a meal out of the competition.
作者简介 · · · · · ·亚当·摩根:亚当·摩根对大量创办的或重新进入市场的挑战者进行了研究,包括航空空公司(维京一大西洋)、游戏机公司(索尼Playstation)、计算机公司(苹果电脑),这些研究是在美国和欧洲的一些著名广告公司(BMP、Still Price Court、TBWA Chiat/Day)完成的。1997年,他利用半年的休假时间创立了“挑战者计划”(The Challenger Project),这是一个针对挑战者品牌珠全球性的深入研究项目(《小鱼吃大鱼》是这一项目的第一个结晶)。这一兴趣成为了一种激情,1999年,亚当·摩根辞去了他在TBWA欧洲公司的职位,成立了eatbigfish公司,这是一家专门从事挑战者行为与战略研究的独立的营销咨询公司,合作伙伴遍及伦敦、旧金山和马德里。他曾为美国、英国、芬兰、南非等7个国家的研究人员讲授挑战者战略规则。