LACANtxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen 出版社: STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 副标题: The Absolute Master 译者:Douglas Brick 出版年: 1991 页数: 295 定价: USD 45.00 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780804717281
内容简介 · · · · · ·This lucid, philosophically sophisticated book is the first account of Lacan's development in its intellectual-historical context, the first account of the philosophical significance of his theory, and to date the best introduction to his thought. Beacuse Lacan is—the author argues—a superme assimilator, a son of his times, and thus the most representative French intellectual s...
This lucid, philosophically sophisticated book is the first account of Lacan's development in its intellectual-historical context, the first account of the philosophical significance of his theory, and to date the best introduction to his thought. Beacuse Lacan is—the author argues—a superme assimilator, a son of his times, and thus the most representative French intellectual since the 1950's, the book is also a critical introduction to the philosophical background of recent French thought. Written by a young French theorist raised in an intellectual atmosphere dominated by Lacan, this book is an attempt to reflect on the presuppositions of French contemporary thought while providing the elements of a critique of what Lacan meant by psychoanalysis.