Architectures In Lovetxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:John Hejduk 出版社: Rizzoli 出版年: 1995-4-15 页数: 50 定价: USD 35.00 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780847818594
内容简介 · · · · · ·A reproduction of one of the architect’s personal sketchbooks this beautiful volume contains fifty-two drawings and collages that explore the passage of time and the possibility of a tender architecture. The thoughts and drawings in this book were made in the month of January, 1994, Hejduk explains, I wanted to make two architectures in love . . . to have architectural intercou...
A reproduction of one of the architect’s personal sketchbooks this beautiful volume contains fifty-two drawings and collages that explore the passage of time and the possibility of a tender architecture. The thoughts and drawings in this book were made in the month of January, 1994, Hejduk explains, I wanted to make two architectures in love . . . to have architectural intercourse on every level...chromosomic exchange. The drawings are explained in his essay Sketchbook Notes, and Still Life/Dead Nature elucidates his thoughts about space.