Grid Systemstxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Kimberly Elam 出版社: Princeton Architectural Press 副标题: Principles of Organizing Type (Design Briefs) 出版年: 2004-08-12 页数: 120 定价: USD 21.95 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9781568984650
内容简介 · · · · · ·Although grid systems are the foundation for almost all typographic design, they are often associated with rigid, formulaic solutions. However, the belief that all great design is nonetheless based on grid systems (even if only subverted ones) suggests that few designers truly understand the complexities and potential riches of grid composition. In her best-selling "Geometry of...
Although grid systems are the foundation for almost all typographic design, they are often associated with rigid, formulaic solutions. However, the belief that all great design is nonetheless based on grid systems (even if only subverted ones) suggests that few designers truly understand the complexities and potential riches of grid composition. In her best-selling "Geometry of Design," Elam shows how proportion, symmetry, and other geometrical systems underlie many of the visual relationships that make for good design. Now, Elam brings the same keen eye and clear explanations to bear on the most prevalent, and maybe least understood, system of visual organization: the grid. Filled with extensive research and more than 100 informative examples from the Bauhaus to Nike ads, "Grid Systems" provides a rich, easy-to-understand overview and demonstrates a step-by-step approach to typographic composition. It suggests design strategies that transcend simple function and reductionist recipes to allow grids to become a means of truly dynamic communication. Any designer, educator, or student will benefit greatly from this elegant slim book, chock-a-block full of colorful examples, helpful vellum overlays, and Elam's insightful analysis.
作者简介 · · · · · ·金伯利·伊拉姆是罗林艺术与设计学院平面设计与互动传达系的主任,这所学校位于佛罗里达州萨拉索塔市。她的《设计几何学》一书,已经成为设计系学生和设计师们的标准参考书。