Hibernate Quicklytxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Patrick Peak/Nick Heudecker 出版社: Manning Publications 出版年: 2005-08-01 页数: 456 定价: USD 34.95 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9781932394412
内容简介 · · · · · · Hibernate Quickly is a companion volume to Manning's Hibernate in Action which is a focused and comprehensive book on the subject written by the project founders. The current book aims to give readers the 20% of information they need 80% of the time. It uses the pages saved to orient the reader within the Hibernate "ecosystem": the peripheral technologies and techniques typ...
Hibernate Quickly is a companion volume to Manning's Hibernate in Action which is a focused and comprehensive book on the subject written by the project founders. The current book aims to give readers the 20% of information they need 80% of the time. It uses the pages saved to orient the reader within the Hibernate "ecosystem": the peripheral technologies and techniques typically used with Hibernate. This is the book readers are likely to turn to if they want to get up and running quickly. Examples are developed incrementally to demonstrate Hibernate concepts and to show how Hibernate works with the other common development tools and frameworks such as XDoclet, Struts, WebWork, Spring, and Tapestry. Covers the newest version, Hibernate 3. </p>