Retailing Managementtxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Michael Levy/Barton Weitz 出版社: McGraw-Hill Education 出版年: 2008-4-18 页数: 736 定价: $ 277.98 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780073381046
内容简介 · · · · · ·"Retailing Management" by Levy and Weitz is the best-selling textbook in the retailing market. Retailing is a high tech, global, growth industry that provides challenging and rewarding career opportunities for college graduates. This book and its corresponding tools and exercises were written to expose students to the excitement of retailing and prepare them for a career in ret...
"Retailing Management" by Levy and Weitz is the best-selling textbook in the retailing market. Retailing is a high tech, global, growth industry that provides challenging and rewarding career opportunities for college graduates. This book and its corresponding tools and exercises were written to expose students to the excitement of retailing and prepare them for a career in retailing and related fields. Known for its strategic look at retailing and current coverage, this new seventh edition continues to be organized around a model of strategic decision-making. One of the major advantages of the Levy/Weitz approach is the text's readability, organization, and its emphasis on how students can come to grips with real retailing issues and be able to solve problems. The text's logical organization around a decision-making process allows readers to learn about the process of strategic decisions first before moving on to decision implementation. The implementation decisions are broken down into merchandise management decisions and store management decisions, just as they would be in a real retailing setting. The text provides a balanced treatment of strategic, 'how to', and conceptual material, in a highly readable and interesting format. The seventh edition continues its cutting edge coverage on the latest topics and developments in retailing including: globalization; customer relationship management programs; multi-channel retailing; supply chain management, the use of the Internet to improve operating efficiencies and customer service; and, legal, ethical and cooperate social responsibility issues. Students indicate that this text is a 'good read' because of the numerous examples of retailers, their practices, the interesting retail facts in the margins, and eye catching design and layout.
作者简介 · · · · · ·迈克尔·利维博士是百林商学院C.C.雷诺兹公司资助的营销学教授。从俄亥俄州立大学获得工商管理博士学位后,他先执教于南卫期理大学,然后担任迈阿密大学营销学系的系主任和教授。他已经从事了22年的零售管理教学工作。 长期以来,利维教授在零售、商业物流、金融业服务策略、定价和销售管理等领域进行深入研究,在市场营销和物流管理主流杂志,包括《零售》、《市场营销》、《营销调研》上发表了30多篇文章。目前,他担任以下杂志的编委:《零售》、《营销科学学院学报》、《国际物流管理》、《国际物流与材料管理》。 在整个职业生涯中,利维教授一直从事零售及相关领域的实际工作。从事学术工作以前,他曾经效力于科罗拉多州的几家零售商和一家家用器皿经销商。他为好几家零售商从事过研究项目,包括伯达恩斯百货商店,默文氏,妮梦玛珂丝,以及Zale公司。 俞利军,著名中国际营销专家,著名翻译家...
迈克尔·利维博士是百林商学院C.C.雷诺兹公司资助的营销学教授。从俄亥俄州立大学获得工商管理博士学位后,他先执教于南卫期理大学,然后担任迈阿密大学营销学系的系主任和教授。他已经从事了22年的零售管理教学工作。 长期以来,利维教授在零售、商业物流、金融业服务策略、定价和销售管理等领域进行深入研究,在市场营销和物流管理主流杂志,包括《零售》、《市场营销》、《营销调研》上发表了30多篇文章。目前,他担任以下杂志的编委:《零售》、《营销科学学院学报》、《国际物流管理》、《国际物流与材料管理》。 在整个职业生涯中,利维教授一直从事零售及相关领域的实际工作。从事学术工作以前,他曾经效力于科罗拉多州的几家零售商和一家家用器皿经销商。他为好几家零售商从事过研究项目,包括伯达恩斯百货商店,默文氏,妮梦玛珂丝,以及Zale公司。 俞利军,著名中国际营销专家,著名翻译家。长期从事外经贸教学、科研和咨询工作。曾担任伦敦工商会考试局协调人、北京新东方学校副校长等职,现为对外经济贸易大学教授,中国世界贸易组织特约研究员。目前在校内外为本科生和研究生用英文开设《营销管理》、《国际营销学》、《国际营销战略》等课程,并为多家跨国公司提供咨询。已在国内核心刊物发表论文40多篇,在机械工业出版社、中国财政经济社、华夏出版社、等主要出版社出版专著、译著和工具书20余部。因其在教学和科研方面突出的成就,多次受到《英才》杂志、中央人民广播电台和中央电视台等主流媒体的采访和报道。俞教授还著有脍灸人口的随笔集《上帝的木偶》。