《Shared Histories of Modernity》电子书下载

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作者:Huricihan Islamoglu/Peter C. Perdue (Editors)
出版社: Routledge India
副标题: China, India and the Ottoman Empire
出版年: 2009-3-25
页数: 332
定价: USD 125.00
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780415481663

内容简介 · · · · · ·

While pre-modernity is often considered to be the 'time' of non-European regions and modernity is seen as belonging to the West, this book seeks to transcend the temporal bifurcation of that world history into 'pre-modern' and 'modern', as well as question its geographical split into two irreconcilable trajectories: the European and the non-European. The book examines shared ex...

作者简介 · · · · · ·

Huricihan Islamoglu is Professor of Economic History and Political Economy, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, and Central European University, Budapest, Hungary. Her research interests are economic history, economic theory as well as international relations and European studies. She is the author of Constituting Modernity: Private Property in the East and West (2004); Stat...

目录 · · · · · ·

Forward by Veena Das
Preface and Acknowledgements
Notes on Contributors
1. Empire and Nation in Comparative Perspective: Frontier Administration in Eighteenth Century China
by Peter C. Perdue
2. Administrative Practice betweeen Religious and State Law on the Eastern Frontiers of the Ottoman Empire
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Forward by Veena Das
Preface and Acknowledgements
Notes on Contributors
1. Empire and Nation in Comparative Perspective: Frontier Administration in Eighteenth Century China
by Peter C. Perdue
2. Administrative Practice betweeen Religious and State Law on the Eastern Frontiers of the Ottoman Empire
by Dina Rizk Khoury
3. The Fate of Empire: Rethinking Mughals, Ottomans, and Habsburgs
by Sanjay Subrahmanyam
4. Modernities Compared: State Transformations and Constitutions of Property in the Qing and Ottoman Empires
by Huri Islamoglu
5. When Strong Men Meet: Recruited Punjabis and Constrained Colonailism
by Rajit K. Mazumder
6. Administering the City, Policing Commerce
by Peter Carroll
7. Formal and Informal Mechanisms of Rule and Economic Development: The Qing Empire in Comparative Perspective
R. Bin Wong
8. Heaven and the Administration of Tings: Some Remarks on the Law in the Tanzimat Era
by Serif Mardin
9. A World Made Simple: Law and Property in the Ottoman and Qing Empires
by Melissa Macauley
10. A Hsitory of Caste in South Asia: From Pre-colonial Polity to Biololitical State
by Ananya Vajpeyi
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作者: 喂你有七块钱吗



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