The Fate of Reasontxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Frederick C Beiser 出版社: Harvard University Press 副标题: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte 出版年: 1993-9-3 页数: 410 定价: GBP 31.95 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780674295032
内容简介 · · · · · ·"The Fate of Reason" is the first general history devoted to the period between Kant and Fichte, one of the most revolutionary and fertile in modern philosophy. The philosophers of this time broke with the two central tenets of the modem Cartesian tradition: the authority of reason and the primacy of epistemology. They also witnessed the decline of the Aufkldrung, the completio...
"The Fate of Reason" is the first general history devoted to the period between Kant and Fichte, one of the most revolutionary and fertile in modern philosophy. The philosophers of this time broke with the two central tenets of the modem Cartesian tradition: the authority of reason and the primacy of epistemology. They also witnessed the decline of the Aufkldrung, the completion of Kant's philosophy, and the beginnings of post-Kantian idealism. Thanks to Beiser we can newly appreciate the influence of Kant's critics on the development of his philosophy. Beiser brings the controversies, and the personalities who engaged in them, to life and tells a story that has uncanny parallels with the debates of the present.