Human Anatomy for Artiststxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载 作者:Eliot Goldfinger 出版社: Oxford University Press, USA 副标题: The Elements of Form 出版年: 1991-11-7 页数: 368 定价: USD 65.00 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780195052060
内容简介 · · · · · ·Eliot Goldfinger, a realistic sculptor and instructor of human and animal anatomy, has designed and written a reference work for artists and art students on the visual and descriptive components of human anatomy. The format is simple and accessible; all information about one aspect of a topic is set forth on facing pages. For example, the anterior leg muscle is illustrated in a...
Eliot Goldfinger, a realistic sculptor and instructor of human and animal anatomy, has designed and written a reference work for artists and art students on the visual and descriptive components of human anatomy. The format is simple and accessible; all information about one aspect of a topic is set forth on facing pages. For example, the anterior leg muscle is illustrated in a series of precise anatomical drawings and well-lit photos, with text on origin, insertion, action, structure, and how it relates to creating surface form directly opposite the pictures. Unique to this book are photographs of a series of sculptures which show the basic volumes of the figure, revealing the basic principle of the dynamic between the form units of the body. No other artistic anatomy book is so well organized, detailed, and clearly rendered, and its illustrations are of exceptional quality.